

pg_config -- Provides information about the installed version of PostgreSQL


pg_config {--bindir | --includedir | --libdir | --configure | --version...}



Print the location of user executables. Use this, for example, to find the psql program. This is normally also the location where the pg_config program resides.


Print the options that were given to the configure script when PostgreSQL was built. This can be used to reproduce the identical configuration, or to find out with what options a binary package was built.


Print the location of C and C++ header files.


Print the location of object code libraries.


Print the version of PostgreSQL.

If more than one option (except for --version) is given, the information is printed in that order, one item per line.


The pg_config utility provides configuration parameters of the currently installed version of PostgreSQL. It is intended, for example, to be used by software packages that want to interface to PostgreSQL in order to find the respective header files and libraries.