I. Utilities Reference

This is reference information for PostgreSQL client applications and utilities, server applications, and support utilities.

Table of Contents
createdb -- Create a new PostgreSQL database
createlang -- Add a new programming language to a PostgreSQL database
createuser -- Create a new PostgreSQL user
dropdb -- Remove an existing PostgreSQL database
droplang -- Remove a programming language from a PostgreSQL database
dropuser -- Drops (removes) a PostgreSQL user
ecpg --  Embedded SQL C preprocessor
initdb -- Create a new PostgreSQL database cluster
initlocation -- Create a secondary PostgreSQL database storage area
ipcclean -- Clean up shared memory and semaphores from aborted backends
pgaccess -- PostgreSQL graphical client
pg_config -- Provides information about the installed version of PostgreSQL
pg_ctl -- Starts, stops, or restarts the postmaster
pg_dump --  Extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or other archive file
pg_dumpall -- Extract all databases into a script file
pg_passwd -- Manipulate a text password file
pg_restore --  Restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file created by pg_dump
psql --  PostgreSQL interactive terminal
pgtclsh --  PostgreSQL Tcl shell client
pgtksh --  PostgreSQL Tcl/Tk shell client
postgres -- Run a PostgreSQL single-user backend
postmaster -- PostgreSQL multi-user database server
vacuumdb -- Clean and analyze a PostgreSQL database