Using Large Objects

Red Hat Database provides a couple ways of storing binary data, such as images and audio, that cannot be represented by the standard SQL92 data types.

First, there is Red Hat Database's Large Object (LOB) extension. LOBs are stored in a seperate table (pg_largeobject) and are referred to from normal tables by an OID value. There are two methods of working with Red Hat Database LOBs in Java. The first is the standard JDBC way; the other users PostgreSQL's extensions to the JDBC API.

The second way is to use the new bytea data type. bytea values are not stored in a seperate table as LOBs are.

Which method you choose is up to you, but you should take the following into account when making your decision.

bytea is not well suited for storing large amounts of data. A column of type bytea can hold up to 1 gigabyte of binary data, but all data is stored in the table and sent to client programs when requested. Clients would need very large amounts of RAM to work with large bytea data. The LOB extension does not have this problem as locators are used extensively and data is only sent when requested. The entire LOB does not have to be sent to clients.

The fact that LOBs are stored in a seperate table introduces some complications. Most noteable is the fact that a DELETE operation does not remove the LOB; a second DELETE has to be done on the pg_largeobject table. Also, anyone connected to the database can view and/or modify any LOB, even if they do not have permissions to view or update the row containing the reference to the LOB.

Using bytea through JDBC

In RHDB 2, the setBytes() and getBinaryStream() methods of PreparedStatement and the getBytes() and getBinaryStream() methods of ResultSet operate on the bytea data type. In earlier versions of Red Hat Database, these methods operated on the OID associated with a LOB. The next section has more information.

Using the Red Hat Database LOB Extensions

There are two methods to work with Red Hat Database LOBs in Java. The first is the standard JDBC way; the other uses PostgreSQL's extensions to the JDBC API. All LOB operations must be done within a transaction. A transaction can be entered by calling the setAutoCommit method of your Connection object with a parameter of false. For example:

Connection con;
// now ok to use LOBs

The standard JDBC way is to use the getBytes(), setBytes(), getBinaryStream(), and setBinaryStream() methods that the ResultSet and PreparedStatement classes provide. To make sure that these methods operate on OIDs instead of bytea values (the default), you need to set the compatible property to "7.1" when obtaining a Connection object. For example:

String url = "jdbc:postgresql:foo";
java.utils.Properties props = new java.utils.Properties();
props.setProperty("user", "user");
props.setProperty("password", "secret");
props.setProperty("compatible", "7.1");
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);

It is also possible to use ResultSet's getBLOB() method and PreparedStatement's setBLOB() method to interact with LOBs. However, these methods may not interact with LOBS in future releases of the JDBC driver. It is recommended that you use PostgreSQL's Large Object API if you intend to use Large Objects.

Accessing LOBs: The Standard JDBC Method

With JDBC, the standard way to access LOBs is to use the getBinaryStream() method of ResultSet objects, and the setBinaryStream() method of PreparedStatement objects. These methods make the large object appear as a Java stream, allowing you to use the package to manipulate the object. Example 7-6 illustrates the usage of this approach.

Accessing LOBs Using the PostgreSQL LOB Extensions

The standard JDBC LOB interface is limited in that LOBs can only be streamed in and out. The LOB Extension API provided by PostgreSQL allows for random access within LOBs, as if they were local files.

The org.postgresql.largeobject package provides the equivalent of the libpq library's large object API. It consists of two classes: LargeObjectManager, which deals with creating, opening and deleting LOBs, and LargeObject, which represents an individual LOB. Example 7-7 illustrates the use of the LOB API.

Example 7-7. Using Large Objects

Suppose you have a table containing the file name of an image and you have a LOB containing that image:
CREATE TABLE images (imgname text, img oid);

To insert an image, you would use:
// All LargeObject API calls must be within a transaction

// Get the Large Object Manager to perform operations with
LargeObjectManager lobj =

// create a new large object
int oid = lobj.create(LargeObjectManager.READ | LargeObjectManager.WRITE);

// open the large object for write
LargeObject obj =, LargeObjectManager.WRITE);

// Now open the file
File file = new File("myimage.gif");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);

// copy the data from the file to the large object
byte buf[] = new byte[2048];
int s, tl = 0;
while ((s =, 0, 2048)) > 0)
   obj.write(buf, 0, s);
   tl += s;

// Close the large object

// Now insert the row into imagesLO
PreparedStatement pstmt =
   con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO images VALUES (?, ?)");
pstmt.setString(1, file.getName());
pstmt.setInt(2, oid);

Retrieving the image from the database:
// All LargeObject API calls must be within a transaction

// Get the Large Object Manager to perform operations with
LargeObjectManager lobj =

PreparedStatement pstmt =
   con.prepareStatement("SELECT img FROM images WHERE imgname=?");
pstmt.setString(1, "myimage.gif");
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

if (rs != null) {
   while( {
      // open the large object for reading
      int oid = rs.getInt(1);
      LargeObject obj =, LargeObjectManager.READ);

      // read the data
      byte buf[] = new byte[obj.size()];, 0, obj.size());

      // do something with the data read here

      // Close the object