Deployment Guide
Red Hat Directory Server                                                            


Chapter 6

Designing the Replication Process

Replicating your directory contents increases the availability and performance of your directory. In chapter 4 and chapter 5, you made decisions about the design of your directory tree and your directory topology. This chapter addresses the physical and geographical location of your data and, specifically, how to use replication to ensure your data is available when and where you need it.

This chapter discusses uses for replication and offers advice on designing a replication strategy for your directory environment. It contains the following sections:

Introduction to Replication

Replication is the mechanism that automatically copies directory data from one Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server) to another. Using replication, you can copy any directory tree or subtree (stored in its own database) between servers. The Directory Server that holds the master copy of the information will automatically copy any updates to all replicas.

Replication enables you to provide a highly available directory service and to distribute your data geographically. In practical terms, replication brings the following benefits:

Before defining a replication strategy for your directory information, you should understand how replication works. This section describes:

Replication Concepts

When you consider replication, you always start by making the following fundamental decisions:

These decisions cannot be made effectively without an understanding of how the Directory Server handles these concepts. For example, when you decide what information you want to replicate, you need to know what is the smallest replication unit that the Directory Server can handle. The following sections contain definitions of concepts used by the Directory Server. This provides a framework for thinking about the global decisions you need to make.

Unit of Replication

The smallest unit of replication is a database. This means that you can replicate an entire database but not a subtree within a database. Therefore, when you create your directory tree, you must take your replication plans into consideration. For more information on how to set up your directory tree, refer to chapter 4, "Designing the Directory Tree."

The replication mechanism also requires that one database correspond to one suffix. This means that you cannot replicate a suffix (or namespace) that is distributed over two or more databases.

Read-Write Replica/Read-Only Replica

A database that participates in replication is defined as a replica. There are two kinds of replicas: read-write or read-only. The read-write replicas contain master copies of directory information and can be updated. Read-only replicas refer all update operations to read-write replicas.


A server that holds a replica that is copied to a replica on a different server is called a supplier for that replica. A server that holds a replica that is copied from a different server is called a consumer for that replica. Generally, the replica on the supplier server is a read-write replica, and the one on the consumer server is a read-only replica. There are exceptions to this statement:


Replication is always initiated by the supplier server, never by the consumer, unlike earlier versions of the Directory Server that allowed consumer-initiated replication (where consumer servers could retrieve data from a supplier server).

For any particular replica, the supplier server must:

The supplier server is always responsible for recording the changes made to the read-write replicas that it manages, so the supplier server makes sure that any changes are replicated to consumer servers.

A consumer server must:

Any time a request to add, delete, or change an entry is received by a consumer server, the request is referred to a supplier for the replica. The supplier server performs the request, then replicates the change.

In the special case of cascading replication, the hub supplier must:

For more information on cascading replication, refer to "Cascading Replication," on page 119.


Every supplier server maintains a changelog. A changelog is a record that describes the modifications that have occurred on a replica. The supplier server then replays these modifications on the replicas stored on consumer servers or on other suppliers in the case of multi-master replication.

When an entry is modified, a change record describing the LDAP operation that was performed is recorded in the changelog.

Replication Agreement

Directory Servers use replication agreements to define replication. A replication agreement describes replication between one supplier and one consumer. The agreement is configured on the supplier server. It identifies:

Data Consistency

Consistency refers to how closely the contents of replicated databases match each other at a given point in time. When you set up replication between two servers, part of the configuration is to schedule updates. The supplier server always determines when consumer servers need to be updated and initiates replication.

Directory Server offers the option of keeping replicas always synchronized or of scheduling updates for a particular time of day or day in the week. The advantage of keeping replicas always in sync is obviously that it provides better data consistency. The cost is the network traffic resulting from the frequent update operations. This solution is the best in cases where:

In cases where you can afford to have looser consistency in data, you can choose the frequency of updates that best suits your needs or lowers the affect on network traffic. This solution is the best in cases where:

In the case of multi-master replication, the replicas on each supplier are said to be loosely consistent because at any given time, there can be differences in the data stored on each supplier. This is true, even when you have selected to always keep replicas in sync, for two reasons:

Common Replication Scenarios

You need to decide how the updates flow from server to server and how the servers interact when propagating updates. There are four basic scenarios:

The following sections describe these methods and provide strategies for deciding the method appropriate for your environment. You can also combine these basic scenarios to build the replication topology that best suits your needs.

Single-Master Replication

In the most basic replication configuration, a supplier server copies a replica directly to one or more consumer servers. In this configuration, all directory modifications occur on the read-write replica on the supplier server, and the consumer servers contain read-only replicas of the data.

The supplier server must perform all modifications to the read-write replicas stored on the consumer servers. Figure 6-1, on page 115, shows this simple configuration.

Figure 6-1 Single-Master Replication

The supplier server can replicate a read-write replica to several consumer servers. The total number of consumer servers that a single supplier server can manage depends on the speed of your networks and the total number of entries that are modified on a daily basis. However, you can reasonably expect a supplier server to maintain several consumer servers.

Multi-Master Replication

In a multi-master replication environment, master copies of the same information can exist on multiple servers. This means that data can be updated simultaneously in different locations. The changes that occur on each server are replicated to the others. This means that each server plays both roles of supplier and consumer.

When the same data is modified on multiple servers, there is a conflict resolution procedure to determine which change is kept. The Directory Server considers the valid change to be the most recent one.

Multiple servers can have master copies of the same data, but, within the scope of a single replication agreement, there is only one supplier server and one consumer. That means that to create a multi-master environment between two supplier servers that share responsibility for the same data, you need to create more than one replication agreement. Figure 6-2 shows the configuration for a two-way multi-master replication.

Figure 6-2 Multi-Master Replication Configuration (Two Suppliers)

In the above illustration, supplier A and supplier B each hold a read-write replica of the same data.

To create a multi-master environment between four supplier servers that share responsibility for the same data, you need to create more than four replication agreements. Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4 illustrate two sample configurations of four-way multi-master replication agreements. Keep in mind that the four suppliers can be configured in different topologies and that there are many parameters that have direct impact on the topology selection.

Figure 6-3 illustrates a fully connected mesh topology where all four supplier servers feed data to the other three supplier servers (and to the consumer servers). There are a total of twelve replication agreements among the four supplier servers. This topology provides high server failure tolerance at the expense of high fan-out for every supplier.

Figure 6-3 Multi-Master Replication Configuration (Four Suppliers)

Figure 6-4 illustrates a topology where each supplier server feeds data to two other supplier servers (and to the consumer servers). There are only eight replication agreements among the four supplier servers, as opposed to the twelve agreements shown for the topology in Figure 6-3. The topology shown in Figure 6-4 is beneficial in situations where the possibility of two or more servers failing at the same time is negligible. Because each supplier has only two fan-outs, such a configuration is useful in reducing the network traffic and making the servers less busy.

Figure 6-4 Multi-Master Replication Configuration (Four Suppliers)

The total number of supplier servers you can have in any replication environment is limited to four. However, the number of consumer servers that hold the read-only replicas is not limited.


Directory Server supports four-way multi-master replication; that is, replication topologies comprising four supplier servers.

Figure 6-5 shows the replication traffic in an environment with two suppliers (read-write replicas in the illustration), and two consumers (read-only replicas in the illustration). This figure shows that the consumers can be updated by both suppliers. The supplier servers ensure that the changes do not collide.

Figure 6-5 Replication Traffic in a Multi-Master Environment

Cascading Replication

In a cascading replication scenario, a hub supplier receives updates from a supplier server and replays those updates on consumer servers. The hub supplier is a hybrid: it holds a read-only replica, like a typical consumer server, and it maintains a changelog like a typical supplier server.

Hub suppliers pass the master data on as they receive them from the original suppliers. For the same reason, when a hub supplier receives an update request from a directory client, it refers the client to the supplier server.

Cascading replication is useful, for example, if some network connections between various locations in your organization are better than others. For example, suppose the master copy of your directory data is in Minneapolis, and you have consumer servers in Saint Cloud as well as Duluth. Suppose your network connection between Minneapolis and Saint Cloud is very good, but your network connection between Minneapolis and Duluth is poor. Then, if your network between Saint Cloud and Duluth is fair, you can use cascaded replication to move directory data from Minneapolis to Saint Cloud to Duluth.

This cascading replication scenario is illustrated in Figure 6-6.

Figure 6-6 Cascading Replication Scenario

The same scenario is illustrated from a different perspective in Figure 6-7, below. It shows how the replicas are configured on each server (read-write or read-only) and which servers maintain a changelog.

Figure 6-7 Replication Traffic and Changelogs in Cascading Replication

Mixed Environments

You can combine any of the scenarios outlined in the previous sections to best fit your needs. For example, you could combine a multi-master configuration with a cascading configuration to produce something similar to the scenario illustrated in Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-8 Combined Multi-Master and Cascading Replication

Defining a Replication Strategy

The replication strategy that you define is determined by the service you want to provide.

To determine your replication strategy, start by performing a survey of your network, your users, your applications, and how they use the directory service you can provide. For guidelines on performing this survey, refer to the following section, "Replication Survey."

Once you understand your replication strategy, you can start deploying your directory. This is a case where deploying your service in stages will pay large dividends. By placing your directory into production in stages, you can get a better sense of the loads that your enterprise places on your directory. Unless you can base your load analysis on an already operating directory, be prepared to alter your directory as you develop a better understanding on how your directory is used.

The following sections describe in more detail the factors affecting your replication strategy:

Replication Survey

The type of information you need to gather from your survey to help you define your replication strategy includes:

If your messaging server uses the directory, you need to know how many operations it performs for each email message it handles. Other products that rely on the directory are typically products such as authentication applications or meta-directory applications. For each one, you must find out the type and frequency of operations that are performed in the directory.
A site that manages human resource databases or financial information is likely to put a heavier load on your directory than a site containing engineering staff that uses the directory for simple telephone book purposes.

Replication Resource Requirements

Using replication requires more resources. Consider the following resource requirements when defining your replication strategy:

In addition, as there is a single changelog on every supplier server. If a supplier contains multiple replicated databases, the changelog will be used more frequently, and the disk usage will be even higher.

Fractional Replication

Fractional replication allows the administrator to choose a set of attributes that will not be transmitted from a supplier to the consumer. This means administrators can replicate a database without replicating all the information in it.

Fractional replication is enabled and configured per replication agreement. The exclusion of attributes is applied equally to all entries. As far as the consumer server is concerned, the excluded attributes always have no value. Therefore, a client performing a search against the consumer server will never see the excluded attributes returned. Similarly, should it perform a search that specifies those attributes in its filter, no entries will match.

Fractional replication is particularly useful in these situations:

Fractional replication can only be done where the consumer is a read-only replica (dedicated consumer). This condition is enforced at the time the supplier server initiates a replication connection to the consumer, not at the time the agreement is created. Therefore, be aware that it is possible to create a fractional replication agreement on a supplier that will fail later when the supplier actually attempts to contact the consumer. This failure will be logged in the supplier's error log.

Replication across a Wide-Area Network

Directory Server version 7.1 and later support efficient replication when a supplier and consumer are connected via a wide-area network. Wide-area networks typically have higher latency, higher bandwidth delay product, and lower speeds than local area networks.

In previous versions of Directory Server, the replication protocols used to transmit entries and updates between suppliers and consumers were highly latency-sensitive because the supplier would send only one update operation and then wait for a response from the consumer. This led to reduced throughput with higher latencies. For example, on a typical USA coast-to-coast connection with 100ms round trip time, replication updates would be sent no faster than 10 per second.

Now, the supplier sends many updates and entries to the consumer without waiting for a response. Thus, on a network with high latency, many replication operations can be in transit on the network, and replication throughput is similar to that which can be achieved on a local area network.

When a current Directory Server supplier detects that it is connected to another supplier running an older release, it falls back to the old replication mechanism for compatibility. Thus, it is necessary to have both your supplier and consumer servers running version 7.1 or later in order to achieve the benefits of the new latency-insensitive replication.

There are performance issues to consider for both the Directory Server and the efficiency of the network connection:

Using Replication for High Availability

Use replication to prevent the loss of a single server from causing your directory to become unavailable. At a minimum, you should replicate the local directory tree to at least one backup server.

Some directory architects argue that you should replicate three times per physical location for maximum data reliability. How much you use replication for fault tolerance is up to you, but you should base this decision on the quality of the hardware and networks used by your directory. Unreliable hardware needs more backup servers.


You should not use replication as a replacement for a regular data backup policy. For information on backing up your directory data, refer to the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide.

If you need to guarantee write-failover for all you directory clients, you should use a multi-master replication scenario. If read-failover is sufficient, you can use single-master replication.

LDAP client applications can usually be configured to search only one LDAP server. Unless you have written a custom client application to rotate through LDAP servers located at different DNS hostnames, you can only configure your LDAP client application to look at a single DNS hostname for a Directory Server. Therefore, you will probably need to use either DNS round-robins or network sorts to provide failover to your backup Directory Servers. For information on setting up and using DNS round robins or network sorts, see your DNS documentation.

Using Replication for Local Availability

Your need to replicate for local availability is determined by the quality of your network as well as the activities of your site. In addition, you should carefully consider the nature of the data contained in your directory and the consequences to your enterprise in the event that the data becomes temporarily unavailable. The more mission-critical the data, the less tolerant you can be of outages caused by poor network connections.

You should use replication for local availability for the following reasons:

This is an important strategy for large, multinational enterprises that need to maintain directory information of interest only to the employees in a specific country. Having a local master copy of the data is also important to any enterprise where interoffice politics dictate that data be controlled at a divisional or organizational level.
Intermittent network connections can occur if you are using unreliable WANs, as often occurs in international networks.
Among other reasons, performance is affected in enterprises with aging networks, which may experience these conditions during normal business hours.

Using Replication for Load Balancing

Replication can balance the load on your Directory Servers in several ways:

One of the more important reasons to replicate directory data is to balance the workload of your network. When possible, you should move data to servers that can be accessed using a reasonably fast and reliable network connection. The most important considerations are the speed and reliability of the network connection between your server and your directory users.

Directory entries generally average around one Kbyte in size. Therefore, every directory lookup adds about one Kbyte to your network load. If your directory users perform around ten directory lookups per day, then, for every directory user, you will see an increased network load of around 10,000 bytes per day. Given a slow, heavily loaded, or unreliable WAN, you may need to replicate your directory tree to a local server.

You must carefully consider whether the benefit of locally available data is worth the cost of the increased network load because of replication. If you are replicating an entire directory tree to a remote site, for instance, you are potentially adding a large strain on your network in comparison to the traffic caused by your users' directory lookups. This is especially true if your directory tree is changing frequently, yet you have only a few users at the remote site performing a few directory lookups per day.

If your directory tree on average includes in excess of 1,000,000 entries, and it is not unusual for about ten percent of those entries to change every day, then if your average directory entry is only one Kbyte in size, you could increase your network load by 100Mbyte per day. However, if your remote site has only a few employees, say 100, and they are performing an average of ten directory lookups a day, then the network load caused by their directory access is only one Mbyte per day.

Given the difference in loads caused by replication versus that caused by normal directory usage, you may decide that replication for network load-balancing purposes is not desirable. On the other hand, you may find that the benefits of locally available directory data far outweigh any considerations you may have regarding network loads.

A good compromise between making data available to local sites and overloading the network is to use scheduled replication. For more information on data consistency and replication schedules, refer to "Data Consistency," on page 113.

Example of Network Load Balancing

Suppose your enterprise has offices in New York and Los Angeles. Each office has specific subtrees that they manage, shown in the figure.

Each office contains a high-speed network, but you are using a dial-up connection to network between the two cities. To balance your network load:

Replicate locally managed data from that server to the corresponding supplier server in the remote office.

Example of Load Balancing for Improved Performance

Suppose that your directory must include 1,500,000 entries in support of 1,000,000 users, and each user performs ten directory lookups a day. Also assume that you are using a messaging server that handles 25,000,000 mail messages a day and that performs five directory lookups for every mail message that it handles. Therefore, you can expect 125,000,000 directory lookups per day just as a result of mail. Your total combined traffic is, therefore, 135,000,000 directory lookups per day.

Assuming an eight-hour business day, and that your 1,000,000 directory users are clustered in four time zones, your business day (or peak usage) across four time zones is 12 hours long. Therefore you must support 135,000,000 directory lookups in a 12-hour day. This equates to 3,125 lookups per second (135,000,000 / (60*60*12)). That is:

1,000,000 users
10 lookups per user =
10,000,000 reads/day
25,000,000 messages     
5 lookups per message =    
125,000,000 reads/day
Total reads/day =
12-hour day includes 43,200 seconds    
Total reads/second =

Now, assume that you are using a combination of CPU and RAM with your Directory Servers that allows you to support 500 reads per second. Simple division indicates that you need at least six or seven Directory Servers to support this load. However, for enterprises with 1,000,000 directory users, you should add more Directory Servers for local availability purposes.

One method of replication is to:

This configuration assumes that you want a single point of control for all directory data.
The read, search, and compare requests serviced by your directory should be targeted at the consumer servers, thereby freeing the supplier servers to handle write requests. For a definition of a hub supplier, refer to "Cascading Replication," on page 119.
Replicating to local sites helps balance the workload of your servers and your WANs, as well as ensuring high availability of directory data. Assume that you want to replicate to four sites around the country. You then have four consumers of each hub supplier.
Use DNS sort to ensure that local users always find a local Directory Server they can use for directory lookups.

Example Replication Strategy for a Small Site

Suppose your entire enterprise is contained within a single building. This building has a very fast (100 MB per second) and lightly used network. The network is very stable, and you are reasonably confident of the reliability of your server hardware and OS platforms. Also, you are sure that a single server's performance will easily handle your site's load.

In this case, you should replicate at least once to ensure availability in the event your primary server is shut down for maintenance or hardware upgrades. Also, set up a DNS round-robin to improve LDAP connection performance in the event that one of your Directory Servers becomes unavailable.

Example Replication Strategy for a Large Site

Suppose your entire enterprise is contained within two buildings. Each building has a very fast (100 MB per second) and lightly used network. The network is very stable and you are reasonably confident of the reliability of your server hardware and OS platforms. Also, you are sure that a single server's performance will easily handle the load placed on a server within each building.

Also assume that you have slow (ISDN) connections between the buildings, and that this connection is very busy during normal business hours.

Your replication strategy follows:

This server should be placed in the building that contains the largest number of people responsible for the master copy of the directory data. Call this Building A.
Use a multi-master replication configuration if you need to ensure write-failover.

Using Replication with Other Directory Features

Replication interacts with other Directory Server features to provide advanced replication features. The following sections describe feature interactions to help you better design your replication strategy.

Replication and Access Control

The directory stores ACIs as attributes of entries. This means that the ACI is replicated along with other directory content. This is important because Directory Server evaluates ACIs locally.

For more information about designing access control for your directory, refer to chapter 7, "Designing a Secure Directory.

Replication and Directory Server Plug-ins

You can use replication with most of the plug-ins delivered with Directory Server. There are some exceptions and limitations in the case of multi-master replication with the following plug-ins:

You cannot use multi-master replication with the attribute uniqueness plug-in at all because this plug-in can validate only attribute values on the same server, not on multiple servers in the multi-master set.
You can use the referential integrity plug-in with multi-master replication, providing that this plug-in is enabled on just one supplier in the multi-master set. This ensures that referential integrity updates are made on just one of the supplier servers and propagated to the others.

By default, these plug-ins are disabled. You need to use the Directory Server Console or the command-line to enable them.

Replication and Database Links

When you distribute entries using chaining, the server containing the database link points to a remote server that contains the actual data. In this environment, you cannot replicate the database link itself. You can, however, replicate the database that contains the actual data on the remote server.

You must not use the replication process as a backup for database links. You must backup database links manually. For more information about chaining and entry distribution, refer to chapter 5, "Designing the Directory Topology.

Figure 6-9 Replicating Chained Databases

Schema Replication

In all replication scenarios, before pushing data to consumer servers, the supplier server checks whether its own version of the schema is in sync with the version of the schema held on consumer servers.

If the schema entries on both supplier and consumers are the same, the replication operation proceeds.

If the version of the schema on the supplier server is more recent than the version stored on the consumer, the supplier server replicates its schema to the consumer before proceeding with the data replication.

If the version of the schema on the supplier server is older than the version stored on the consumer, you will probably witness a lot of errors during replication because the schema on the consumer cannot support the new data.

A consumer might contain replicated data from two suppliers, each with different schema. Whichever supplier was updated last will "win," and its schema will be propagated to the consumer.


You must never update the schema on a consumer server because the supplier server is unable to resolve the conflicts that will occur, and replication will fail.

Schema should be maintained on a supplier server in a replicated topology. If using the standard 99user.ldif file, these changes will be replicated to all consumers. When using custom schema files, ensure that these files are copied to all servers after making changes on the supplier. After copying files, the server must be restarted. Refer to "Creating Custom Schema Files," on page 53, for more information.

The same Directory Server can hold read-write replicas for which it acts as a supplier and read-only replicas for which it acts as a consumer. Therefore, you should always identify the server that will act as a supplier for the schema and set up replication agreements between this supplier and all other servers in your replication environment which should act as consumers for the schema information..


Special replication agreements are not required to replicate the schema. If replication has been configured between a supplier and a consumer, schema replication will happen by default.

Changes made to custom schema files are only replicated if the schema is updated using LDAP or the Directory Server Console. These custom schema files should be copied to each server in order to maintain the information in the same schema file on all servers. For more information, refer to "Creating Custom Schema Files," on page 53.

For more information on schema design, refer to chapter 3, "How to Design the Schema.

Replication and Synchronization

In order to propagate synchronized Windows entries throughout the Directory Server, use synchronization within a multi-master environment. Sync agreement should be kept to the lowest amount possible, preferably one per deployment. Multi-master replication allows the Windows information to be available through the network while limiting the data access point to a single Directory Server.


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last updated May 20, 2005