Schema Reference
Red Hat Directory Server                                                            


Symbols - Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - W - X



(  1


00core.ldif  1
05rfc2247.ldif  1
05rfc2927.ldif  1
10rfc2307.ldif  1
20subscriber.ldif  1
25java-object.ldif  1
28pilot.ldif  1
30ns-common.ldif  1
50ns-admin.ldif  1
50ns-calendar.ldif  1
50ns-certificate.ldif  1
50ns-compass.ldif  1
50ns-delegated-admin.ldif  1
50ns-directory.ldif  1
50ns-legacy.ldif  1
50ns-mail.ldif  1
50ns-mcd-browser.ldif  1
50ns-mcd-config.ldif  1
50ns-mcd-li.ldif  1
50ns-mcd-mail.ldif  1
50ns-media.ldif  1
50ns-mlm.ldif  1
50ns-msg.ldif  1
50ns-netshare.ldif  1
50ns-news.ldif  1
50ns-proxy.ldif  1
50ns-value.ldif  1
50ns-wcal.ldif  1
50ns-web.ldif  1
51ns-calendar.ldif  1
60pam-plugin.ldif  1
99user.ldif  1


abstract attribute  1
account object class  1
accountUnlockTime operational attribute  1
aci operational attribute  1
alias object class  1
aliasedObjectName attribute  1
altServer operational attribute  1
associatedDomain attribute  1
associatedName attribute  1
allowed  1
defined  1
multi-valued  1
required  1
single-valued  1
syntax  1
attributeTypes operational attribute  1
audio attribute  1
authorCn attribute  1
authorityRevocationList attribute  1
authorSn attribute  1


buildingName attribute  1
businessCategory attribute  1


c attribute  1
cACertificate attribute  1
carLicense attribute  1
certificateRevocationList attribute  1
changeLog attribute  1
changeLogEntry object class  1
changeNumber attribute  1
changes attribute  1
changeTime attribute  1
changeType attribute  1
checking schema  1
cn attribute  1
co attribute  1
commonName attribute, See cn attribute1
copiedFrom operational attribute  1
copyingFrom operational attribute  1
cosAttribute attribute  1
cosClassicDefinition object class  1
cosDefinition object class  1
cosIndirectDefinition object class  1
cosIndirectSpecifier attribute  1
cosPointerDefinition object class  1
cosPriority attribute  1
cosSpecifier attribute  1
cosSuperDefinition object class  1
cosTargetTree attribute  1
cosTemplate object class  1
cosTemplateDn attribute  1
country object class  1
countryName attribute, See c attribute1
crossCertificatePair attribute  1


dc attribute  1
dcObject object class  1
default schema  1
deleteOldRdn attribute  1
deltaRevocationList attribute  1
departmentNumber attribute  1
description attribute  1
destinationIndicator attribute  1
device object class  1
displayName attribute  1
distinguishedName attribute,See dn attribute1
dITContentRules operational attribute  1
dITRedirect attribute  1
dITStructureRules operational attribute  1
dmdname attribute  1
dn attribute  1
dNSRecord attribute  1
document object class  1
documentAuthor attribute  1
documentIdentifier attribute  1
documentLocation attribute  1
documentPublisher attribute  1
documentSeries object class  1
documentStore attribute  1
documentTitle attribute  1
documentVersion attribute  1
domain object class  1
domainComponent attribute,See dc attribute1
domainRelatedObject object class  1
drink attribute  1
dSA object class  1
dSAQuality attribute  1


employeeNumber attribute  1
employeeType attribute  1
enhancedSearchGuide attribute  1
extending schema  1


facsimileTelephoneNumber attribute, See fax attribute1
favoriteDrink attribute, See drink attribute1
fax attribute  1
friendlyCountry object class  1
friendlyCountryName attribute,See co attribute1


generationQualifier attribute  1
givenName attribute  1
groupOfCertificates object class  1
groupOfNames object class  1
groupOfUniqueNames object class  1
groupOfURLs object class  1


homeDirectory attribute  1
homePhone attribute  1
homePostalAddress attribute  1
homeTelephoneNumber attribute, See homePhone attribute1
host attribute  1
houseIdentifier attribute  1


inetOrgPerson object class  1
info attribute  1
initials attribute  1
internationalISDNNumber attribute  1


janetMailbox attribute  1
jpegPhoto attribute  1


keyWords attribute  1
knowledgeInformation attribute  1


l attribute  1
labeledURI attribute  1
labeledURIObject object class  1
lastModifiedBy attribute  1
lastModifiedTime attribute  1
ldapSyntaxes operational attribute  1
locality object class  1
localityName attribute, See l attribute1


mail attribute  1, 2
mailAlternateAddress attribute  1
mailGroup object class  1
mailPreferenceOption attribute  1
manager attribute  1
matchingRules operational attribute  1
matchingRuleUse operational attribute  1
member attribute  1
memberCertificateDescription attribute  1
memberURL attribute  1
mobile attribute  1
mobileTelephoneNumber attribute, See mobile attribute1


name attribute  1
nameForms operational attribute  1
namingContexts operational attribute  1
newPilotPerson object class  1
newRdn attribute  1
newSuperior attribute  1
nsAttributeEncryption object class  1
nsComplexRoleDefinition object class  1
nsDS5Replica  1
nsDS5ReplicationAgreement  1
nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement  1
nsEncryptionAlgorithm attribute  1
nsFilteredRoleDefinition object class  1
nsLicensedFor attribute  1
nsLicenseEndTime attribute  1
nsLicenseStartTime attribute  1
nsLicenseUser object class  1
nsManagedRoleDefinition object class  1
nsNestedRoleDefinition object class  1
nsRole operational attribute  1
nsRoleDefinition object class  1
nsRoleDn operational attribute  1
nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate attribute  1
nsSaslMapFilterTemplate attribute  1
nsSaslMapping object class  1
nsSaslMapRegexString attribute  1
nsSimpleRoleDefinition object class  1
ntGroup object class  1
ntGroupCreateNewGroup attribute  1
ntGroupDeleteGroup attribute  1
ntGroupDomainId attribute  1
ntGroupType attribute  1
ntUniqueId attribute  1
ntUser object class  1
ntUserAcctExpires attribute  1
ntUserCodePage attribute  1
ntUserCreateNewAccount attribute  1
ntUserDeleteAccount attribute  1
ntUserDomainId attribute  1
ntUserHomeDir attribute  1
ntUserLastLogoff attribute  1
ntUserLastLogon attribute  1
ntUserLogonHours attribute  1
ntUserMaxStorage attribute  1
ntUserParms attribute  1
ntUserProfile attribute  1
ntUserScriptPath attribute  1
ntUserWorkstations attribute  1
numSubordinates operational attribute  1


o attribute  1
object class
allowed attributes  1
defined  1
inheritance  1
required attributes  1
object identifiers (OIDs)  1
base OID for Directory Server  1
base OID for Netscape  1
base OID for Netscape-defined attributes  1
base OID for Netscape-defined object classes  1
objectClass attribute  1
objectClasses operational attribute  1
obsoletedByDocument attribute  1
obsoletesDocument attribute  1
operational attributes  1
accountUnlockTime  1
aci  1
altServer  1
attributeTypes  1
copiedFrom  1
copyingFrom  1
dITContentRules  1
dITStructureRules  1
ldapSyntaxes  1
matchingRules  1
matchingRuleUse  1
nameForms  1
namingContexts  1
nsRole  1
nsRoleDn  1
numSubordinates  1
objectClasses  1
passwordAllowChangeTime  1
passwordChange  1
passwordCheckSyntax  1
passwordExp  1
passwordExpirationTime  1
passwordExpWarned  1
passwordGraceLimit  1
passwordGraceUserTime  1
passwordHistory  1
passwordInHistory  1
passwordLockout  1
passwordLockoutDuration  1
passwordMaxAge  1
passwordMaxFailure  1
passwordMinAge  1
passwordMinLength  1
passwordMustChange  1
passwordResetFailureCount  1
passwordRetryCount  1
passwordStorageScheme  1
passwordUnlock  1
passwordWarning  1
pwdpolicysubentry  1
retryCountResetTime  1
subschemaSubentry  1
supportedControl  1
supportedExtension  1
supportedLDAPVersion  1
supportedSASLMechanisms  1
organization object class  1
organizationalPerson object class  1
organizationalRole object class  1
organizationalStatus attribute  1
organizationalUnit attribute, See ou attribute1
organizationalUnit object class  1
organizationName attribute, See o attribute1
otherMailbox attribute  1
ou attribute  1
owner attribute  1


pager attribute  1
pagerTelephoneNumber attribute, See pager attribute1
passwordAllowChangeTime operational attribute  1
passwordChange operational attribute  1
passwordCheckSyntax operational attribute  1
passwordExp operational attribute  1
passwordExpirationTime operational attribute  1
passwordExpWarned operational attribute  1
passwordGraceLimit operational attribute  1
passwordGraceUserTime operational attribute  1
passwordHistory operational attribute  1
passwordInHistory operational attribute  1
passwordLockout operational attribute  1
passwordLockoutDuration operational attribute  1
passwordMaxAge operational attribute  1
passwordMaxFailure operational attribute  1
passwordMinAge operational attribute  1
passwordMinLength operational attribute  1
passwordMustChange operational attribute  1
passwordObject object class  1
passwordResetFailureCount operational attribute  1
passwordRetryCount operational attribute  1
passwordStorageScheme operational attribute  1
passwordUnlock operational attribute  1
passwordWarning operational attribute  1
person object class  1
personalSignature attribute  1
personalTitle attribute  1
photo attribute  1
physicalDeliveryOfficeName attribute  1
pilotObject object class  1
pilotOrganization object class  1
postalAddress attribute  1
postalCode attribute  1
postOfficeBox attribute  1
preferredDeliveryMethod attribute  1
preferredLanguage attribute  1
presentationAddress attribute  1
protocolInformation attribute  1
pwdpolicysubentry operational attribute  1


registeredAddress attribute  1
object classes
nsDS5Replica  1
nsDS5ReplicationAgreement  1
residentialPerson object class  1
retryCountResetTime operational attribute  1
RFC822LocalPart object class  1
roleOccupant attribute  1
room object class  1
roomNumber attribute  1


checking  1
defined  1
extending  1
supported  1
searchGuide attribute  1
secretary attribute  1
seeAlso attribute  1
serialNumber attribute  1
serverID  1
serverRoot  1
simpleSecurityObject object class  1
singleLevelQuality attribute  1
sn attribute  1
special attributes  1
changeLog  1
changeNumber  1
changes  1
changeTime  1
changeType  1
deleteOldRdn  1
newRdn  1
newSuperior  1
nsEncryptionAlgorithm  1
nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate  1
nsSaslMapFilterTemplate  1
nsSaslMapRegexString  1
targetDn  1
special object classes  1
changeLogEntry  1
nsAttributeEncryption  1
nsDS5Replica  1
nsDS5ReplicationAgreement  1
nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement  1
nsSaslMapping  1
passwordObject  1
subschema  1
st attribute  1
stateOrProvinceName attribute, See st attribute1
street attribute  1
streetAddress attribute, See street attribute1
strongAuthenticationUser object class  1
subject attribute  1
subschema object class  1
subschemaSubentry operational attribute  1
subtreeMaximumQuality attribute  1
subtreeMinimumQuality attribute  1
supported schema  1
supportedAlgorithms attribute  1
supportedApplicationContext attribute  1
supportedControl operational attribute  1
supportedExtension operational attribute  1
supportedLDAPVersion operational attribute  1
supportedSASLMechanisms operational attribute  1
surname attribute, See sn attribute1
object class
nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement  1


targetDn attribute  1
telephoneNumber attribute  1
teletexTerminalIdentifier attribute  1
telexNumber attribute  1
textEncodedORAddress attribute  1
timeToLive attribute, See ttl attribute1
title attribute  1
ttl attribute  1


uid attribute  1
uniqueIdentifier attribute  1
uniqueMember attribute  1
updatedByDocument attribute  1
updatesDocument attribute  1
userCertificate attribute  1
userClass attribute  1
userId attribute, See uid attribute1
userPassword attribute  1
userPKCS12 attribute  1
userSMIMECertificate attribute  1


WindowsAssociatedDomain attribute  1


x121Address attribute  1
x500UniqueIdentifier attribute  1


© 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. © 2005 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
Read the Full Copyright and Third-Party Acknowledgments.

last updated May 26, 2005