Chapter 56. RHS333: RED HAT enterprise security: network services
Security for the most commonly deployed services.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux has gained considerable momentum as the operating system of choice for deploying network services such as web, ftp, email, and file sharing. Red Hat's RHCE curriculum provides training in deploying these services and on the essential elements of securing them.
RH253, RH300, or RHCE certification or equivalent work experience is required for this course. Course participants should already know the essential elements of how to configure the services covered, as this course will be focusing on more advanced topics from the outset.
This class advances beyond the essential security coverage offered in the RHCE curriculum and delves deeper into the security features, capabilities, and risks associated with the most commonly deployed services.
The audience for this course includes system administrators, consultants, and other IT professionals responsible for the planning, implementation, and maintenance of network servers. While the emphasis is on running these services on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and the content and labs will assume its use, system administrators and others using proprietary forms of UNIX may also find many elements of this course relevant.
Mastering basic service security
Understanding cryptography
Logging system activity
Securing BIND and DNS
Network user authentication security
Improving NFS security
The secure shell: OpenSSH
Securing email with Sendmail and Postfix
Managing FTP access
Apache security
Basics of intrusion response