Chapter 7. Driver Media for Intel and AMD Systems

Chapter 7. Driver Media for Intel and AMD Systems

Chapter 7. Driver Media for Intel® and AMD Systems

7.1. Why Do I Need Driver Media?
7.2. So What Is Driver Media Anyway?
7.3. How Do I Obtain Driver Media?
7.4. Using a Driver Image During Installation

7.1. Why Do I Need Driver Media?

While the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation program is loading, a screen may appear asking you for driver media. The driver media screen is most often seen in the following scenarios:

  • If you need to perform an installation from a network device

  • If you need to perform an installation from a PCMCIA device

  • If you run the installation program by entering linux dd at the installation boot prompt (Itanium users should enter elilo linux dd)

  • If you run the installation program on a computer which does not have any PCI devices