15.16. Displaying the Virtual Machines

15.16. Displaying the Virtual Machines

15.16. Displaying the Virtual Machines

You can use virsh to display the virtual machine list and the current state:

virsh list domain-name [ ——inactive  |  ——all]

The ——inactive option lists inactive domains (domains that have been defined but are not currently active). The —all domain lists all domains, whether active or not. Your output should resemble the this example:

ID                 Name                 State
0                   Domain0             running
1                   Domain202           paused
2                   Domain010           inactive
3                   Domain9600          crashed

Here are the six domain states:

running           lists domains currently active on the CPU

blocked           lists domains that are blocked

paused            lists domains that are suspended

shutdown          lists domains that are in process of shutting down
shutoff           lists domains that are completely down.

crashed           lists domains that are crashed