17.6. Displaying Domain Information

17.6. Displaying Domain Information

17.6. Displaying Domain Information

You can use xm to display host domain information:

xm info 

The output displays:

host                                        :  redhat83-157.brisbane.redhat.com
release                                     :  2.6..18-1.2714.el5xen
version                                     :  #1 SMP Mon Oct 21 17:57:21  EDT  2006
machine                                     :  x86_64
nr_cpus                                     :  8
nr_nodes                                    :  1
sockets_per_node                            :  2
cores_per_socket                            :  2
threads_per_core                            :  2
cpu_mhz                                     :  2992
hw_caps                                     :  bfeebbef:20100000:00000000:00000000
total_mememory                              :  1022
free_memory                                 :  68
xen_major                                   :  3
xen_minor                                   :   0
xen_extra                                   :  -unstable
xen_caps                                    :  xen-3.0-x86_84
xen_pagesize                                :  4096
platform_params                             :  virt_start=0xffff88000000000000000000
xen_changeset                               :  unavailable
cc_compiler                                 :  gcc compiler version 4.1.1 200060928   
cc_compile_by                               :  brewbuilder
cc_compile_domain                           :  build.redhat.com
cc_compile_date                             :  Mon Oct 2 17:00 EDT 2006
xend_config_format                          :  2