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2.4. Configuring ACPI For Use with Integrated Fence Devices

If your cluster uses integrated fence devices, you must configure ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) to ensure immediate and complete fencing.


For the most current information about integrated fence devices supported by Red Hat High Availability Add-On, refer to
If a cluster node is configured to be fenced by an integrated fence device, disable ACPI Soft-Off for that node. Disabling ACPI Soft-Off allows an integrated fence device to turn off a node immediately and completely rather than attempting a clean shutdown (for example, shutdown -h now). Otherwise, if ACPI Soft-Off is enabled, an integrated fence device can take four or more seconds to turn off a node (refer to note that follows). In addition, if ACPI Soft-Off is enabled and a node panics or freezes during shutdown, an integrated fence device may not be able to turn off the node. Under those circumstances, fencing is delayed or unsuccessful. Consequently, when a node is fenced with an integrated fence device and ACPI Soft-Off is enabled, a cluster recovers slowly or requires administrative intervention to recover.


The amount of time required to fence a node depends on the integrated fence device used. Some integrated fence devices perform the equivalent of pressing and holding the power button; therefore, the fence device turns off the node in four to five seconds. Other integrated fence devices perform the equivalent of pressing the power button momentarily, relying on the operating system to turn off the node; therefore, the fence device turns off the node in a time span much longer than four to five seconds.
To disable ACPI Soft-Off, use chkconfig management and verify that the node turns off immediately when fenced. The preferred way to disable ACPI Soft-Off is with chkconfig management: however, if that method is not satisfactory for your cluster, you can disable ACPI Soft-Off with one of the following alternate methods:
The following sections provide procedures for the preferred method and alternate methods of disabling ACPI Soft-Off:

2.4.1. Disabling ACPI Soft-Off with chkconfig Management

You can use chkconfig management to disable ACPI Soft-Off either by removing the ACPI daemon (acpid) from chkconfig management or by turning off acpid.


This is the preferred method of disabling ACPI Soft-Off.
Disable ACPI Soft-Off with chkconfig management at each cluster node as follows:
  1. Run either of the following commands:
    • chkconfig --del acpid — This command removes acpid from chkconfig management.
      — OR —
    • chkconfig --level 2345 acpid off — This command turns off acpid.
  2. Reboot the node.
  3. When the cluster is configured and running, verify that the node turns off immediately when fenced.


    You can fence the node with the fence_node command or Conga.