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21.5. Using the Command Line Interface

Crashes detected by ABRT can be viewed, reported, and deleted using the command line interface.

21.5.1. Viewing Crashes

To get a list of all crashes, simply enter abrt-cli --list or abrt-cli -l:
~]$ abrt-cli --list
   UID        : 500
   UUID       : 784b06666020e9f43718d99bf2649f19b4f251a9
   Package    : bash-4.1.2-3.el6
   Executable : /bin/bash
   Crash Time : Tue 20 Jul 2010 03:22:52 PM CEST
   Crash Count: 2
   UID        : 500
   UUID       : 48007b98d65cca4530d99a564379e2609169239d
   Package    : coreutils-8.4-9.el6
   Executable : /bin/sleep
   Crash Time : Tue 20 Jul 2010 03:22:00 PM CEST
   Crash Count: 1
This output contains basic information for every crash. The UID: field shows the ID of the user which ran the program that caused the crash. The Package field shows the name and version of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux package that contains the program, and the Executable field shows the location of the binary or script that crashed. The Crash Count field indicates how many times the same crash happened.