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21.3.3. Plugin Configuration in the GUI

You can override the system-wide plugin configuration in the /etc/abrt/plugins/*.conf configuration files on a per-user basis. Each of the plugins specified in section Section 21.3.2, “Reporter Plugins” can be configured in the ABRT GUI application. Open the plugins window by clicking EditPlugins. This window shows a list of all installed plugins. You can also view each of the plugins' details by selecting one and expanding Plugin Details. When you select one of the configurable plugins, you can click the Configure plugin button and you will be able to configure your desired plugin. If you change any of the plugins' parameters, they are saved in the Gnome keyring and will be used in the future GUI sessions.


All of the /etc/abrt/plugins/*.conf configuration files are world readable and are meant to be used as global settings. Thus, it is not advisable to store usernames, passwords or any other sensitive data in them. The per-user settings (set in the GUI application and readable by the owner of $HOME only) are stored in the Gnome keyring or can be stored in a text file in $HOME/.abrt/*.conf for use in abrt-cli.
ABRT Plugins
The following is a list of all configuration options available for each configurable plugin in the ABRT GUI application.
In the RHTSupport plugin configuration, you can configure the following parameters:
  • RHTSupport URL — Specifies the RHTSupport URL where crash dumps are sent (by default, set to
  • Login — User login which is used to log into RHTSupport and create a RHTSupport database entry for a reported crash.
  • Password — Password used to log into RHTSupport.
When the SSL verify option is checked, the SSL protocol is used when sending the data over the network.
In the MailX plugin configuration, you can configure the following parameters:
  • Subject — A string that appears in the Subject field of a crash report email sent by mailx (by default, set to "[abrt] crash report").
  • Your Email — A string that appears in the From field of a crash report email.
  • Recipient's Email — Email address of the recipient of a crash report email.
When the Send Binary Data option is checked, the crash report email will also contain all binary files associated with the crash in an attachment. The core dump file is also sent as an attachment.
In the ReportUploader plugin configuration, you can configure the following parameters:
  • Customer — Specifies customer's identification.
  • Ticket — Specifies the Ticket ID number in a specific issue tracker that collects crash reports.
  • URL — Specifies the URL of the issue tracker used to collect crash reports.
  • Retry count — Specifies the number of retries should an upload fail.
  • Retry delay — Specifies the number or seconds between two retries.
When the Use encryption option is checked, the crash report sent to the issue tracker is encrypted.
When the Upload option is checked, all crash reports are uploaded to the specified issue tracker. If the option is unchecked, all crash reports are saved locally.
In the Bugzilla plugin configuration, you can configure the following parameters:
  • Bugzilla URL — Specifies the Bugzilla URL where crash dumps are sent (by default, set to
  • Login (email) — User login which is used to log into Bugzilla and create a Bugzilla database entry for a reported crash.
  • Password — Password used to log into Bugzilla.
When the SSL verify option is checked, the SSL protocol is used when sending the data over the network.
In the Logger plugin configuration, you can configure the following parameter:
  • Logger file — Specifies a file into which the crash reports are saved (by default, set to /var/log/abrt.log).
When the Append new logs option is checked, the Logger plugin will append new crash reports to the log file specified in the Logger file option. When unchecked, the new crash report always replaces the previous one.