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14.2. Adding the Keyboard Layout Indicator

If you want to see what keyboard layout you are currently using, or you would like to switch between different layouts with a single mouse click, add the Keyboard Indicator applet to the panel. To do so, right-click the empty space on the main panel, and select the Add to Panel... option from the pulldown menu.
Adding a new applet
Adding a New Applet
Figure 14.5. Adding a new applet

You will be presented with a list of available applets. Scroll through the list (or start typing keyboard to the search field at the top of the window), select Keyboard Indicator, and click the Add button.
Selecting the Keyboard Indicator
Selecting the Keyboard Indicator
Figure 14.6. Selecting the Keyboard Indicator

The applet appears immediately, displaying the shortened name of the country the current layout is associated with. To display the actual variant, hover the pointer over the applet icon.
The Keyboard Indicator applet
The Keyboard Indicator applet
Figure 14.7. The Keyboard Indicator applet