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7.2. Configuring the Services

7.2.1. Using the Service Configuration Utility

The Service Configuration utility is a graphical application developed by Red Hat to configure which services are started at boot time, as well as to start, stop, and restart them from the menu.
To start the utility, select SystemAdministrationServices from the panel, or type the command system-config-services at a shell prompt (e.g., xterm or GNOME Terminal).
The Service Configuration Utility
The Service Configuration Utility
Figure 7.1.  The Service Configuration Utility

The utility displays the list of all available services (i.e., both the services from the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory, and the services controlled by xinetd) along with their description and the current status. See Table 7.2, “Possible Service States” for a complete list of used icons and an explanation of their meaning.
Table 7.2. Possible Service States
Icon Description
Green bullet
The service is enabled.
Red bullet
The service is disabled.
Control panel
The service is enabled for selected runlevels only.
Plugged plug
The service is running.
Unplugged plug
The service is stopped.
Exclamation mark
There is something wrong with the service.
Question mark
The status of the service is unknown.

Unless you are already authenticated, you will be prompted to enter the superuser password the first time you make a change:
Authentication Query
Authentication Query
Figure 7.2. Authentication Query Enabling the Service

To enable a service, select it from the list and either click the Enable button on the toolbar, or choose ServiceEnable from the main menu. Disabling the Service

To disable the service, select it from the list and either click the Disable button on the toolbar, or choose ServiceDisable from the main menu. Running the Service

To run the service, select it from the list and either click the Start button on the toolbar, or choose ServiceStart from the main menu. Note that this option is not available for services controlled by xinetd, as they are started by it on demand. Stopping the Service

To stop the service, select it from the list and either click the Stop button on the toolbar, or choose ServiceStop from the main menu. Note that this option is not available for services controlled by xinetd, as they are stopped by it when their job is finished. Restarting the Running Service

To restart the running service, select it from the list and either click the Restart button on the toolbar, or choose ServiceRestart from the main menu. Note that this option is not available for services controlled by xinetd, as they are started and stopped by it automatically. Selecting the Runlevels

To enable the service for certain runlevels only, select it from the list and either click the Customize button on the toolbar, or choose ServiceCustomize from the main menu. Then select the checkbox beside each runlevel in which you want the service to run. Note that this option is not available for services controlled by xinetd.