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15.4. Standard Groups

Table 15.5, “Standard Groups” lists the standard groups configured by an Everything installation. Groups are stored in the /etc/group file.
Table 15.5. Standard Groups
Group GID Members
root 0 root
bin 1 root, bin, daemon
daemon 2 root, bin, daemon
sys 3 root, bin, adm
adm 4 root, adm, daemon
tty 5
disk 6 root
lp 7 daemon, lp
mem 8
kmem 9
wheel 10 root
mail 12 mail, postfix
uucp 14 uucp
man 15
games 20
gopher 30
video 39
dip 40
ftp 50
lock 54
audio 63
nobody 99
users 100
dbus 81
usbmuxd 113
utmp 22
utempter 35
avahi-autoipd 170
floppy 19
vcsa 69
rpc 32
rtkit 499
abrt 498
nscd 28
desktop_admin_r 497
desktop_user_r 496
cdrom 11
tape 33
dialout 18
haldaemon 68 haldaemon
apache 48
ldap 55
saslauth 495
postdrop 90
postfix 89
avahi 70
ntp 38
rpcuser 29
nfsnobody 4294967294
pulse 494
pulse-access 493
fuse 492
gdm 42
stapdev 491
stapusr 490
sshd 74
tcpdump 72
slocate 21
dovecot 97
dovenull 489
mailnull 47
smmsp 51