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2.2. Using Add/Remove Software

PackageKit's Software Update GUI window is a separate application from its Add/Remove Software application, although the two have intuitively similar interfaces. To find and install a new package, on the GNOME panel click on SystemAdministrationAdd/Remove Software, or run the gpk-application command at the shell prompt.
PackageKit's Add/Remove Software window
viewing packagekit's add/remove softvware window
Figure 2.4. PackageKit's Add/Remove Software window

2.2.1. Refreshing Software Sources (Yum Repositories)

PackageKit refers to Yum repositories as software sources. It obtains all packages from enabled software sources. You can view the list of all configured and unfiltered (see below) Yum repositories by opening Add/Remove Software and clicking SystemSoftware sources. The Software Sources dialog shows the repository name, as written on the name=<My Repository Name> field of all [repository] sections in the /etc/yum.conf configuration file, and in all repository.repo files in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory.
Entries which are checked in the Enabled column indicate that the corresponding repository will be used to locate packages to satisfy all update and installation requests (including dependency resolution). The Enabled column corresponds to the enabled=<1 or 0> field in [repository] sections. Checking an unchecked box enables the Yum repository, and unchecking it disables it. Performing either function causes PolicyKit to prompt for superuser authentication to enable or disable the repository. PackageKit actually inserts the enabled=<1 or 0> line into the correct [repository] section if it does not exist, or changes the value if it does. This means that enabling or disabling a repository through the Software Sources window causes that change to persist after closing the window or rebooting the system. The ability to quickly enable and disable repositories based on our needs is a highly-convenient feature of PackageKit.
Note that it is not possible to add or remove Yum repositories through PackageKit.

Showing Source RPM, Test and Debuginfo Repositories

Checking the box at the bottom of the Software Sources window causes PackageKit to display source RPM, testing and debuginfo repositories as well. This box is unchecked by defaut.
After enabling and/or disabling the correct Yum repositories, ensure that you have the latest list of available packages. Click on SystemRefresh package lists and PackageKit will obtain the latest lists of packages from all enabled software sources, i.e. Yum repositories.