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28.3. Logging to a Remote System During the Installation

By default, the installation process sends log messages to the console as they are generated. You may specify that these messages go to a remote system that runs a syslog service.
To configure remote logging, add the syslog option. Specify the IP address of the logging system, and the UDP port number of the log service on that system. By default, syslog services that accept remote messages listen on UDP port 514.
For example, to connect to a syslog service on the system, enter the following at the boot: prompt:
linux syslog=

28.3.1. Configuring a Log Server

Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses rsyslog to provide a syslog service. The default configuration of rsyslog rejects messages from remote systems.

Only Enable Remote Syslog Access on Secured Networks

The rsyslog configuration detailed below does not make use of any of the security measures available in rsyslog Crackers may slow or crash systems that permit access to the logging service, by sending large quantities of false log messages. In addition, hostile users may intercept or falsify messages sent to the logging service over the network.
To configure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system to accept log messages from other systems on the network, edit the file /etc/rsyslog.conf. You must use root privileges to edit the file /etc/rsyslog.conf. Uncomment the following lines by removing the hash preceding them:
	$UDPServerRun 514
Restart the rsyslog service to apply the change:
su -c '/sbin/service rsyslog restart'
Enter the root password when prompted.

Firewall Reconfiguration Required

By default, the syslog service listens on UDP port 514. To permit connections to this port from other systems, choose SystemAdministration Firewall. Select Other ports, and Add. Enter 514 in the Port(s) field, and specify udp as the Protocol.