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A.2.4. The dmsetup deps Command

The dmsetup deps device command provides a list of (major, minor) pairs for devices referenced by the mapping table for the specified device. If you do not specify a device name, the output is information about all of the currently configured Device Mapper devices.
The following example shows the command to list the dependencies of all currently configured mapped devices.
[root@ask-07 ~]# dmsetup deps
testgfsvg-testgfslv3: 1 dependencies    : (8, 16)
testgfsvg-testgfslv2: 1 dependencies    : (8, 16)
testgfsvg-testgfslv1: 1 dependencies    : (8, 16)
VolGroup00-LogVol01: 1 dependencies     : (8, 2)
VolGroup00-LogVol00: 1 dependencies     : (8, 2)
The following example shows the command to list the dependencies only of the device lock_stress-grant--02.1722:
[root@grant-01 ~]# dmsetup deps lock_stress-grant--02.1722
3 dependencies  : (253, 33) (253, 32) (253, 31)