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Chapter 4. Networking and Services

4.1. Interfaces and Configuration
4.2. Service Initialization
4.3. IPTables/Firewalls
4.4. BIND
4.5. NTP
4.6. Kerberos
4.7. Mail
4.7.1. Sendmail
4.7.2. Exim
4.7.3. Dovecot
4.8. MySQL®
4.9. PostgreSQL
4.10. Drupal
4.11. Squid
4.12. Bluetooth
4.13. Cron
4.14. Logging

4.1. Interfaces and Configuration

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 uses NetworkManager by default when configuring network interfaces.
Infiniband support (specifically the openib start script and the openib.conf file) was provided by the openib package in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. The package name has changed in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to reflect its functionality more accurately. The Infiniband functionality is now distributed in the rdma package. The service is now called rdma, and the configuration file is located at /etc/rdma/rdma.conf.