- adding values to statistical aggregates
- computing for statistical aggregates
- array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- advantages of cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- aggregate element not found
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- aggregates (statistical)
- array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- aggregation overflow
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- algebraic formulas using arrays
- reading values from arrays
- array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
- architecture notation, determining, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- architecture of SystemTap, Architecture
- array locals not supported
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- array operations
- assigning associated values, Assigning an Associated Value
- associating timestamps to process names, Assigning an Associated Value
- associative arrays, Array Operations in SystemTap
- clearing arrays/array elements, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- delete operator, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- multiple array operations within the same probe, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- virtual file system reads (non-cumulative), tallying, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- computing for statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @avg (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @count (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @max (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @min (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @sum (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- adding values to statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- count (operator), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- extracting data collected by statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- conditional statements, using arrays in, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- testing for array membership, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- deleting arrays and array elements, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- incrementing associated values, Incrementing Associated Values
- tallying virtual file system reads (VFS reads), Incrementing Associated Values
- multiple elements in an array, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- processing multiple elements in an array, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- cumulative virtual file system reads, tallying, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- iterations, processing elements in an array as, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- limiting the output of foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- ordering the output of foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- reading values from arrays, Reading Values From Arrays
- computing for timestamp deltas, Reading Values From Arrays
- empty unique keys, Reading Values From Arrays
- using arrays in simple computations, Reading Values From Arrays
- arrays, Associative Arrays
- (see also associative arrays)
- assigning associated values
- array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
- associating timestamps to process names, Assigning an Associated Value
- associating timestamps to process names
- array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
- associated values
- introduction
- arrays, Associative Arrays
- associating timestamps to process names
- assigning associated values
- array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
- associative arrays
- introduction, Associative Arrays
- associated values, Associative Arrays
- example, Associative Arrays
- index expression, Associative Arrays
- key pairs, Associative Arrays
- syntax, Associative Arrays
- unique keys, Associative Arrays
- asynchronous events
- Events, Event
- call graph tracing
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- capabilities of SystemTap
- Introduction, SystemTap Capabilities
- changes to file attributes, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
- clearing arrays/array elements
- array operations, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- delete operator, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- multiple array operations within the same probe, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- virtual file system reads (non-cumulative), tallying, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- command-line arguments
- SystemTap handler constructs
- handlers, Command-Line Arguments
- compiling instrumentation/kernel modules from SystemTap scripts, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- components
- SystemTap scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- computing for statistical aggregates
- array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @avg (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @count (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @max (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @min (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @sum (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- adding values to statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- count (operator), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- extracting data collected by statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- computing for timestamp deltas
- reading values from arrays
- array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
- conditional operators
- conditional statements
- handlers, Conditional Statements
- conditional statements, using arrays in
- array operations, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- testing for array membership, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- CONFIG_HZ, computing for, Variables
- contended user-space locks (futex contentions), identifying
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- copy fault
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- count operator
- computing for statistical aggregates
- array (operator), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- counting function calls
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Counting Function Calls Made
- CPU ticks
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- cpu()
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- cross-compiling, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- cross-instrumentation
- advantages of, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- building kernel modules from SystemTap scripts, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- configuration
- host system and target system, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- generating instrumentation from SystemTap scripts, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- host system, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- instrumentation module, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- target kernel, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- target system, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- ctime()
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- ctime(), example of usage
- script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- cumulative I/O, tracking
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Track Cumulative IO
- cumulative virtual file system reads, tallying
- processing multiple elements in an array
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- delete operator
- clearing arrays/array elements
- array operations, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- determining architecture notation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- determining the kernel version, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- determining time spent in kernel and user space
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- device I/O, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- device number of a file (integer format)
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- disk I/O traffic, summarizing
- script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- division by 0
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- documentation goals
- Introduction, Documentation Goals
- embedded code in unprivileged script
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- empty unique keys
- reading values from arrays
- array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
- end
- Events, Event
- errors
- parse/semantics error, Parse and Semantic Errors
- embedded code in unprivileged script, Parse and Semantic Errors
- expected symbol/array index expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
- grammatical/typographical script error, Parse and Semantic Errors
- guru mode, Parse and Semantic Errors
- invalid values to variables/arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
- libdwfl failure, Parse and Semantic Errors
- no match for probe point, Parse and Semantic Errors
- non-global arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
- probe mismatch, Parse and Semantic Errors
- type mismatch for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved function call, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved target-symbol expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved type for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
- variable modified during 'foreach', Parse and Semantic Errors
- runtime errors/warnings, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- aggregate element not found, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- aggregation overflow, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- copy fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- division by 0, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- MAXACTION exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- MAXNESTING exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- number of errors: N, skipped probes: M, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- pointer dereference fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- event types
- Understanding How SystemTap Works, Understanding How SystemTap Works
- Events
- asynchronous events, Event
- begin, Event
- end, Event
- examples of synchronous and asynchronous events, Event
- introduction, Event
- kernel.function("function"), Event
- kernel.trace("tracepoint"), Event
- module("module"), Event
- synchronous events, Event
- syscall.system_call, Event
- timer events, Event
- vfs.file_operation, Event
- wildcards, Event
- events and handlers, Understanding How SystemTap Works
- events wildcards, Event
- example
- introduction
- arrays, Associative Arrays
- example of multiple command-line arguments
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- examples of synchronous and asynchronous events
- Events, Event
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Useful SystemTap Scripts
- call graph tracing, Call Graph Tracing
- CPU ticks, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- ctime(), example of usage, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- determining time spent in kernel and user space, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- file device number (integer format), Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- futex system call, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- identifying contended user-space locks (i.e. futex contentions), Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- if/else conditionals, alternative syntax, Network Profiling
- inode number, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- monitoring changes to file attributes, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
- monitoring device I/O, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- monitoring I/O time, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
- monitoring incoming TCP connections, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
- monitoring polling applications, Monitoring Polling Applications
- monitoring reads and writes to a file, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- monitoring system calls, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
- monitoring system calls (volume per process), Tracking System Call Volume Per Process
- multiple command-line arguments, example of, Call Graph Tracing
- net/socket.c, tracing functions from, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
- network profiling, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
- process deadlocks (arising from futex contentions), Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- stat -c, determining file device number (integer format), Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- stat -c, determining whole device number, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- summarizing disk I/O traffic, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- tallying function calls, Counting Function Calls Made
- thread_indent(), sample usage, Call Graph Tracing
- timer.ms(), sample usage, Counting Function Calls Made
- timer.s(), sample usage, Monitoring Polling Applications, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
- tracing functions called in network socket code, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
- tracking cumulative I/O, Track Cumulative IO
- trigger function, Call Graph Tracing
- usrdev2kerndev(), I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- whole device number (usage as a command-line argument), I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- exceeded MAXACTION
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- exceeded MAXNESTING
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- exit()
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- expected symbol/array index expression
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- extracting data collected by statistical aggregates
- computing for statistical aggregates
- array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- feedback
- contact information for this manual, We Need Feedback!
- file attributes, monitoring changes to
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
- file device number (integer format)
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- file reads/writes, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- flight recorder mode, SystemTap Flight Recorder Mode
- file mode, File Flight Recorder
- in-memory mode, In-memory Flight Recorder
- for loops
- conditional statements
- handlers, Conditional Statements
- foreach
- processing multiple elements in an array
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- format
- introduction
- arrays, Associative Arrays
- format and syntax
- printf(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- SystemTap handler constructs
- handlers, Variables
- SystemTap scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- format specifiers
- printf(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- format strings
- printf(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- function call (unresolved)
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- function calls (incoming/outgoing), tracing
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- function calls, tallying
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Counting Function Calls Made
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- cpu(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- ctime(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- gettimeofday_s(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- pp(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- SystemTap scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- target(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- thread_indent(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- tid(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- uid(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- functions (used in handlers)
- exit(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- functions called in network socket code, tracing
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
- futex contention, definition
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- futex contentions, identifying
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- futex system call
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- handler functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- handlers
- conditional statements, Conditional Statements
- conditional operators, Conditional Statements
- for loops, Conditional Statements
- if/else, Conditional Statements
- while loops, Conditional Statements
- introduction, Systemtap Handler/Body
- SystemTap handler constructs, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
- command-line arguments, Command-Line Arguments
- global, Variables
- syntax and format, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
- variable notations, Command-Line Arguments
- variables, Variables
- handlers and events, Understanding How SystemTap Works
- SystemTap scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- heaviest disk reads/writes, identifying
- script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- help
- getting help, Do You Need Help?
- host system
- cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- host system and target system
- cross-instrumentation
- configuration, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- I/O monitoring (by device)
- examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- I/O time, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
- I/O traffic, summarizing
- script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- identifier type mismatch
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- identifying contended user-space locks (i.e. futex contentions)
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- identifying heaviest disk reads/writes
- script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- if/else
- conditional statements
- handlers, Conditional Statements
- if/else conditionals, alternative syntax
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Network Profiling
- if/else statements, using arrays in
- array operations, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- incoming TCP connections, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
- incoming/outgoing function calls, tracing
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- incrementing associated values
- array operations, Incrementing Associated Values
- tallying virtual file system reads (VFS reads), Incrementing Associated Values
- index expression
- introduction
- arrays, Associative Arrays
- initial testing, Initial Testing
- inode number
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- Installation
- initial testing, Initial Testing
- kernel information packages, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- kernel version, determining the, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- required packages, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- rheldebugurl.sh, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- Setup and Installation, Installation and Setup
- systemtap package, Installing SystemTap
- systemtap-runtime package, Installing SystemTap
- instrumentation module
- cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- instrumentation modules from SystemTap scripts, building, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- integer extractors
- computing for statistical aggregates
- array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- Introduction
- capabilities of SystemTap, SystemTap Capabilities
- documentation goals, Documentation Goals
- goals, documentation, Documentation Goals
- performance monitoring, Introduction
- invalid division
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- invalid values to variables/arrays
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- iterations, processing elements in an array as
- processing multiple elements in an array
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- kernel and user space, determining time spent in
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- kernel information packages, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- kernel modules from SystemTap scripts, building, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- kernel version, determining the, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- kernel.function("function")
- Events, Event
- kernel.trace("tracepoint")
- Events, Event
- key pairs
- introduction
- arrays, Associative Arrays
- MAXACTION exceeded
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- MAXNESTING exceeded
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- membership (in array), testing for
- conditional statements, using arrays in
- array operations, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- module("module")
- Events, Event
- monitoring changes to file attributes
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
- monitoring cumulative I/O
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Track Cumulative IO
- monitoring device I/O
- examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- monitoring I/O time
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
- monitoring incoming TCP connections
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
- monitoring polling applications
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Polling Applications
- monitoring reads and writes to a file
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- monitoring system calls
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
- monitoring system calls (volume per process)
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking System Call Volume Per Process
- multiple array operations within the same probe
- clearing arrays/array elements
- array operations, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- multiple command-line arguments, example of
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- multiple elements in an array
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- name
- local variables, Systemtap Handler/Body
- net/socket.c, tracing functions from
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
- network profiling
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
- network socket code, tracing functions called in
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
- network traffic, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
- no match for probe point
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- non-global arrays
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- number of errors: N, skipped probes: M
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- operations
- assigning associated values
- associating timestamps to process names, Assigning an Associated Value
- associative arrays, Array Operations in SystemTap
- clearing arrays/array elements, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- delete operator, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- multiple array operations within the same probe, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- virtual file system reads (non-cumulative), tallying, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- computing for statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @avg (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @count (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @max (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @min (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- @sum (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- adding values to statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- count (operator), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- extracting data collected by statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- conditional statements, using arrays in, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- testing for array membership, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- deleting arrays and array elements, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
- incrementing associated values, Incrementing Associated Values
- tallying virtual file system reads (VFS reads), Incrementing Associated Values
- multiple elements in an array, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- processing multiple elements in an array, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- cumulative virtual file system reads, tallying, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- iterations, processing elements in an array as, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- limiting the output of foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- ordering the output of foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- reading values from arrays, Reading Values From Arrays
- computing for timestamp deltas, Reading Values From Arrays
- empty unique keys, Reading Values From Arrays
- using arrays in simple computations, Reading Values From Arrays
- options, stap
- Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
- ordering the output of foreach
- processing multiple elements in an array
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- overflow of aggregation
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- packages required to run SystemTap, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- embedded code in unprivileged script, Parse and Semantic Errors
- expected symbol/array index expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
- grammatical/typographical script error, Parse and Semantic Errors
- guru mode, Parse and Semantic Errors
- invalid values to variables/arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
- libdwfl failure, Parse and Semantic Errors
- no match for probe point, Parse and Semantic Errors
- non-global arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
- probe mismatch, Parse and Semantic Errors
- type mismatch for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved function call, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved target-symbol expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved type for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
- variable modified during 'foreach', Parse and Semantic Errors
- performance monitoring
- Introduction, Introduction
- pointer dereference fault
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- polling applications, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Polling Applications
- pp()
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- printf()
- format specifiers, Systemtap Handler/Body
- format strings, Systemtap Handler/Body
- syntax and format, Systemtap Handler/Body
- printing I/O activity (cumulative)
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Track Cumulative IO
- probe mismatch
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- probe point (no match for)
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- probes
- SystemTap scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- process deadlocks (arising from futex contentions)
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- processing multiple elements in an array
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- cumulative virtual file system reads, tallying
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- foreach
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- limiting the output of foreach
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- ordering the output of foreach
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- profiling the network
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
- reading values from arrays
- array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
- empty unique keys, Reading Values From Arrays
- using arrays in simple computations, Reading Values From Arrays
- computing for timestamp deltas
- array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
- reads/writes to a file, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- required packages, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- rheldebugurl.sh, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- RPMs required to run SystemTap, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- running scripts from standard input, Running SystemTap Scripts
- running SystemTap scripts
- Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
- runtime errors/warnings
- understainding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- aggregate element not found, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- aggregation overflow, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- copy fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- division by 0, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- MAXACTION exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- MAXNESTING exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- number of errors: N, skipped probes: M, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- pointer dereference fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- script examples
- call graph tracing, Call Graph Tracing
- CPU ticks, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- ctime(), example of usage, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- determining time spent in kernel and user space, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- file device number (integer format), Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- futex system call, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- identifying contended user-space locks (i.e. futex contentions), Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- if/else conditionals, alternative syntax, Network Profiling
- inode number, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- monitoring changes to file attributes, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
- monitoring device I/O, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- monitoring I/O time, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
- monitoring incoming TCP connections, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
- monitoring polling applications, Monitoring Polling Applications
- monitoring reads and writes to a file, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- monitoring system calls, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
- monitoring system calls (volume per process), Tracking System Call Volume Per Process
- multiple command-line arguments, example of, Call Graph Tracing
- net/socket.c, tracing functions from, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
- network profiling, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
- process deadlocks (arising from futex contentions), Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
- stat -c, determining file device number (integer format), Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- stat -c, determining whole device number, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- summarizing disk I/O traffic, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- tallying function calls, Counting Function Calls Made
- thread_indent(), sample usage, Call Graph Tracing
- timer.ms(), sample usage, Counting Function Calls Made
- timer.s(), sample usage, Monitoring Polling Applications, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
- tracing functions called in network socket code, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
- tracking cumulative I/O, Track Cumulative IO
- trigger function, Call Graph Tracing
- usrdev2kerndev(), I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- whole device number (usage as a command-line argument), I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- components, SystemTap Scripts
- events and handlers, SystemTap Scripts
- format and syntax, SystemTap Scripts
- functions, SystemTap Scripts
- probes, SystemTap Scripts
- statement blocks, SystemTap Scripts
- sessions, SystemTap, Architecture
- Setup and Installation, Installation and Setup
- standard input, running scripts from
- Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
- stap
- Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
- stap options, Running SystemTap Scripts
- stapdev
- Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
- staprun
- Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
- stapusr
- Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
- stat -c, determining file device number (integer format)
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
- stat -c, determining whole device number
- examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- statement blocks
- SystemTap scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- statistical aggregates
- array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
- summarizing disk I/O traffic
- script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
- synchronous events
- Events, Event
- syntax
- introduction
- arrays, Associative Arrays
- syntax and format
- printf(), Systemtap Handler/Body
- SystemTap handler constructs
- handlers, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
- SystemTap scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- syscall.system_call
- Events, Event
- system calls volume (per process), monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking System Call Volume Per Process
- system calls, monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
- SystemTap architecture, Architecture
- SystemTap handlers
- SystemTap handler constructs, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
- syntax and format, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
- systemtap package, Installing SystemTap
- SystemTap script functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- SystemTap scripts
- introduction, SystemTap Scripts
- components, SystemTap Scripts
- events and handlers, SystemTap Scripts
- format and syntax, SystemTap Scripts
- functions, SystemTap Scripts
- probes, SystemTap Scripts
- statement blocks, SystemTap Scripts
- useful examples, Useful SystemTap Scripts
- SystemTap scripts, how to run, Running SystemTap Scripts
- SystemTap sessions, Architecture
- SystemTap statements
- conditional statements, Conditional Statements
- conditional operators, Conditional Statements
- for loops, Conditional Statements
- if/else, Conditional Statements
- while loops, Conditional Statements
- SystemTap handler constructs
- command-line arguments, Command-Line Arguments
- global, Variables
- variable notations, Command-Line Arguments
- variables, Variables
- systemtap-runtime package, Installing SystemTap
- systemtap-testsuite package
- sample scripts, Useful SystemTap Scripts
- tallying function calls
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Counting Function Calls Made
- tallying virtual file system reads (VFS reads)
- incrementing associated values
- array operations, Incrementing Associated Values
- Tapsets
- definition of, Tapsets
- target kernel
- cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- target system
- cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- target system and host system
- configuration, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- target()
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- target-symbol expression, unresolved
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- TCP connections (incoming), monitoring
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
- testing for array membership
- conditional statements, using arrays in
- array operations, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
- testing, initial, Initial Testing
- thread_indent()
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- thread_indent(), sample usage
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- tid()
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- time of I/O
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
- time spent in kernel/user space, determining
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- timer events
- Events, Event
- timer.ms(), sample usage
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Counting Function Calls Made
- timer.s(), sample usage
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Polling Applications, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
- timestamp deltas, computing for
- reading values from arrays
- array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
- timestamps, association thereof to process names
- assigning associated values
- array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
- tracepoint, Event, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
- tracing call graph
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- tracing functions called in network socket code
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
- tracing incoming/outgoing function calls
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- tracking cumulative I/O
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Track Cumulative IO
- trigger function
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
- type mismatch for identifier
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- typographical script error
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- uid()
- functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
- uname -m, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
- uname -r, Installing Required Kernel Information RPMs
- understainding SystemTap errors
- runtime errors/warnings, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- aggregate element not found, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- aggregation overflow, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- copy fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- division by 0, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- MAXACTION exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- MAXNESTING exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- number of errors: N, skipped probes: M, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- pointer dereference fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
- Understanding How SystemTap Works, Understanding How SystemTap Works
- architecture, Architecture
- event types, Understanding How SystemTap Works
- events and handlers, Understanding How SystemTap Works
- SystemTap sessions, Architecture
- understanding SystemTap errors
- parse/semantics error, Parse and Semantic Errors
- embedded code in unprivileged script, Parse and Semantic Errors
- expected symbol/array index expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
- grammatical/typographical script error, Parse and Semantic Errors
- guru mode, Parse and Semantic Errors
- invalid values to variables/arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
- libdwfl failure, Parse and Semantic Errors
- no match for probe point, Parse and Semantic Errors
- non-global arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
- probe mismatch, Parse and Semantic Errors
- type mismatch for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved function call, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved target-symbol expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved type for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
- variable modified during 'foreach', Parse and Semantic Errors
- unique keys
- introduction
- arrays, Associative Arrays
- unprivileged script, embedded code in
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved function call
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved target-symbol expression
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unresolved type for identifier
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- unsafe embedded code in unprivileged script
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- Usage
- options, stap, Running SystemTap Scripts
- running SystemTap scripts, Running SystemTap Scripts
- standard input, running scripts from, Running SystemTap Scripts
- stap, Running SystemTap Scripts
- stapdev, Running SystemTap Scripts
- staprun, Running SystemTap Scripts
- stapusr, Running SystemTap Scripts
- useful examples of SystemTap scripts, Useful SystemTap Scripts
- user and kernel space, determining time spent in
- examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
- using arrays in simple computations
- reading values from arrays
- array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
- Using SystemTap, Using SystemTap
- usrdev2kerndev()
- examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
- values, assignment of
- array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
- variable modified during 'foreach'
- parse/semantics error
- understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
- variable notations
- SystemTap handler constructs
- handlers, Command-Line Arguments
- variables
- SystemTap handler constructs
- handlers, Variables
- variables (local)
- name, Systemtap Handler/Body
- sample usage
- $count, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
- $return, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic, Track Cumulative IO
- VFS reads, tallying of
- incrementing associated values
- array operations, Incrementing Associated Values
- vfs.file_operation
- Events, Event
- virtual file system reads (cumulative), tallying
- processing multiple elements in an array
- array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
- virtual file system reads (non-cumulative), tallying
- clearing arrays/array elements
- array operations, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements