4.3. Loading the Database Scheme

It is assumed that a DBA has already created an appropriate tablespace, or set of tablespaces, and an appropriate db user (to match what you have in ccm-core.config.vars). You should also have the DBA load the schema, unless you have permission to do this yourself.

The source file for loading the schema in ccm-core is found in $WEBAPP_ROOT, which is equivalent to /var/www/ccm-core/dist/ in a default installation.

$WEBAPP_ROOT/WEB-INF/sql/core/oracle-se-create.sql or postgres-create.sql

You will also need to load the schemas for any other Red Hat Applications software that you have installed. For example:

$WEBAPP_ROOT/WEB-INF/sql/cms/oracle-se-create.sql or postgres-create.sql
$WEBAPP_ROOT/WEB-INF/sql/portalserver/oracle-se-create.sql or postgres-create.sql