4.4. Starting the Server

Next, start your server. The first time the server starts up, WAF will automatically populate the data with various parameters, so the initial server startup will be longer than on subsequent starts


In a multiple server installation, start the first server and make sure the initialization has finished completely (it will serve pages) before starting subsequent servers.

4.4.1. Starting under Linux and UNIX®

From an RPM installation, to start the servlet engine, execute /etc/init.d/ccm-core start or the equivalent location for initscripts on your UNIX® installation.

From a ZIP installation, to start the servlet engine, execute bin/run.sh.

4.4.2. Windows® Installation

  1. execute ccm-core-6.x.y-z/bin/tomcat-service-install.cmd. If you are installing another module, e.g. Red Hat CMS, replace core with cms. You may have to execute these commands as an Administrator user. To uninstall the service, execute tomcat-service-uninstall.cmd.

  2. The service installation will configure the service to put Tomcat logs (not WAF logs) into app-home/logs/, where app-home is specified in your configuration file. Manually create this directory if it does not already exist.

  3. To start your server, execute the net start app-name command. The first time the server starts up, WAF will automatically populate the data with various parameters, so the initial server startup will be longer than on subsequent starts. You can stop your server using the net stop app-name command.