Chapter 4. Installation Preparations for Solaris

The purpose of this chapter is to present a method for installing WAF development packages in Solaris using RPM. Consider these instructions a guideline, and tailor them to suit your actual Solaris environment. This chapter shares a common origin with the document kept at You can reference that document for more information.

After you finish following these instructions to prepare your Solaris environment, you will proceed to either Chapter 6 Production Installation for WAF or Chapter 9 Development Installation for WAF.


These instructions assume that you are using a bash shell. If you are using another shell, you will need to execute exec bash -login after logging in and prior to starting these instructions.

In addition, for third-party tools such as ant to work, you will need to make sure that /bin/sh is a symlink for /bin/bash:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root     4 Apr  20  2004 /bin/sh -> bash

Solaris Preparation for Installation

  1. Download and install software you will need for the build environment, if you do not have these packages already. You can obtain these from Installation typically follows this pattern:

    gunzip <name>-<version>-sol8-sparc-local.gz
    pkgadd -n -d <name>-<version>-sol8-sparc-local

    Required Packages

    • libiconv

    • coreutils

    • cvs

    • unzip

    • python - required for ant to install.

    Recommended Compiler Tools

    • gcc

    • binutils

    • make

    Recommended General Utilities (some may be in coreutils)

    • emacs

    • awk

    • wget

    • links

    • ncftp

    • openssl

    • openssh

    • jed

    • bison

    • autoconf

    • automake

    • rsync

    • sudo

  2. Test to see that SUNWbzip and SUNWzlib are installed. This command will return the package description, if successful:

    pkginfo SUNWbzip
    pkginfo SUNWbzlib
  3. Download the Solaris PKG of RPM 4.0.4 (or later) from and install:

    gunzip rpm-4.0.4-dc1-sol8-sparc-local.gz 
    pkgadd -d rpm-4.0.4-dc1-sol8-sparc-local


    When you are prompted about attribute changes on a number of directories, you must choose the following:

    1. no to installing the conflicting files

    2. yes to continuing with the installation

    If you fail to do this, you may damage all of your symlinks in Solaris.

    The post installation scripts generates a large RPM which has Provides: lines for all current software on the system. This generation may take some time, i.e., 15 or more minutes.

  4. Install the Red Hat supplied Solaris/Linux compatability RPM:

    rpm -ivh solaris-linux-compat-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
  5. Setup /etc/profile to include additional /etc/profile.d/ scripts by adding the following to /etc/profile:

    for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
        if [ -r $i ]; then
          . $i
    unset i
  6. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in /etc/profile:

    echo JAVA_HOME=/usr/j2se >> /etc/profile
    echo export JAVA_HOME >> /etc/profile
  7. Install your servlet container. If you find cannot Solaris packages, you will need to obtain the appropriate tarball and do a local make install. Refer to Section 3.4 Servlet Container Packages for more information about which versions of the servlet containers are usable with the Web Application Framework.