3.6. Obtaining Red Hat WAF and Application Packages

This is the list of packages for WAF and Red Hat Applications built on top of WAF which you will need to obtain prior to installation and configuration. For RPMs, add the .noarch.rpm suffix to all package names; for ZIPs, add .zip suffix.

3.6.1. Required WAF Packages

The following packages are required for all installations:

The following packages may also be needed, depending on use:

3.6.2. Application Packages

Each WAF application ships in one or more packages that need to be installed on top of WAF.

If installing CMS, you will need the main CMS package ccm-cms-version. In addition, you will need to install the individual content type RPMs for any content types you need. Available content types are:

If installing Portal Server, you will need ccm-portalserver-version.

If installing Bookmarks, you will need ccm-bookmarks-version.

If installing Doc Manager, you will need ccm-docmgr-version.

If installing FAQ, you will need ccm-faq-version.

If installing Forum, you will need ccm-forum-version.

If installing Glossary, you will need ccm-glossary-version.

3.6.3. Obtaining Packages Through Red Hat Network

If you are installing directly from RHN, you will download and install the packages in one action. This is covered in Section Installing WAF Applications via RHN. If you want to obtain the packages separately from installing them, follow the procedure below.

Package Downloading Procedure

  1. Using your enterprise account or evaluation access, subscribe your system to the Red Hat Web Application Framework 6.1 channel on RHN. Also, subscribe your system to any other channels of Red Hat Applications software that you are using, such as Red Hat Content Management System 6.1. To obtain these entitlements, contact your Red Hat account manager. When available, the packages should appear in the Software tab. For more information about how to use RHN, see https://rhn.redhat.com/help/.

  2. There are two methods for obtaining your packages:

    1. Use up2date to download and not install your packages. This command will download those packages into /var/spool/up2date, where up2date will later pick them up for installation. To install in one action, remove the -d option.

      up2date -d <list_of_packages>
    2. Download the ISOs:

      1. Log into your account at http://rhn.redhat.com/.

      2. Select Software.

      3. Select Easy ISOs and download the Red Hat Applications ISO(s) that you need. There is a separate ISO for each product.


    You can use RHN to obtain the IBM Java 2 JDK from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux channel. You will want to be sure you have the zip and rpm-build packages installed.

    up2date -d zip rpm-build IBMJava2-SDK