Access to Libraries - RetroGuard Documentation

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If your Java classes require access to other libraries when run, these libraries must also be available on the CLASSPATH when RetroGuard is executed. For example, if you use the command

java -classpath myclasses.jar;thirdparty.jar MyApp
to run your application class 'MyApp.class' which lives in the archive 'myclasses.jar' and which depends on classes in the library 'thirdparty.jar', then a suitable command for obfuscation would be
java -classpath retroguard.jar;thirdparty.jar RetroGuard myclasses.jar myclasses-obf.jar script.rgs
In this case, 'script.rgs' should be a text file containing the line '.class MyApp public method', so that your application class is still accessible after obfuscation.

(The specific form of the command line argument '-classpath' has been given for the Windows platform. If you are running JDK on another platform such as Solaris or Linux, the form of this argument will differ - please refer to the platform specific documentation that came with your copy of the JDK).

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