RetroGuard Documentation

Simple Script Examples

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A full description of the scripting language is given later but the most common examples of script entries are given here:

  • Using the latest versions of RetroGuard, the simplest approach is to provide no script file. RetroGuard will then use its internal defaults, which will preserve applications, applets, serializable classes, and RMI remote classes from obfuscation.
  • To allow access to an application class 'MyApp.class' make an entry in the script, '.class MyApp public method'. This preserves the class name and its public methods, including the 'main' method.
  • To allow access to an applet class 'MyApplet.class' make an entry in the script file '.class MyApplet' which preserves the class name.
  • To allow access to a JavaBean class 'MyBean.class' make an entry in the script file '.class MyBean protected'. This preserves the class name and all public, protected and default accessible methods and fields in that class.

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