B.  WPS Tags

B.1 Status Bar
B.2 ID3 Info
B.3 Power Related Information
B.4 File Info
B.5 Playlist/Song Info
B.6 Runtime Database
B.7 Sound (DSP) settings
B.8 Virtual LED
B.9 Repeat Mode
B.10 Playback Mode Tags
B.11 Images
B.12 Alignment
B.13 Conditional Tags
B.14 Real Time Clock
B.15 Other Tags

B.1.  Status Bar




Status Bar Enabled


Status Bar Disabled

These tags override the player setting for the display of the status bar. They must be noted on their own line.

B.2.  ID3 Info




ID3 Artist


ID3 Composer


ID3 Album Name


ID3 Genre Name


ID3 Track Number


ID3 Track Title


ID3 Version (1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 or empty if no id3 tag)


ID3 Year

Remember that this information is not always available, so use the conditionals to show alternate information in preference to assuming.

B.3.  Power Related Information




Show numeric battery level in percent.

Can also be used in a conditional: %?bl<-1|0|1|2||N>

Where the -1 value is used when the battery level isn’t known (it usually is).


Show the battery level in volts


Show estimated battery time left


“p” if the charger is connected

(only on targets that can charge batteries)


“c” if the unit is currently charging the battery

(only on targets that have software charge control or monitoring)


Sleep timer. Shows the remaining time if the sleeptimer is set

B.4.  File Info




File Bitrate (in kbps)


File Codec (e.g. “MP3” or “FLAC”). This tag can also be used in a conditional tag, %?fc<mp1|mp2|mp3|aiff|wav|vorbis|flac|mpc|a52|wavpack|alac|aac|shn|sid|adx|unknown>.

The codec order is as follows: MP1, MP2, MP3, AIFF, WAV,Ogg Vorbis (OGG), FLAC, MPC, AC3, WavPack (WV), ALAC, AAC,Shorten (SHN), SID, ADX, NSF, Speex, SPC, APE.


File Frequency (in Hz)


File Name


File Name (without extension)


File Path


File Size (In Kilobytes)


“(avg)” if variable bit rate or “” if constant bit rate


First directory from end of file path.


Second directory from end of file path.


Third directory from end of file path.

Example for the %dN commands: If the path is “/Rock/Kent/Isola/11 - 747.mp3”, %d1 is “Isola”, %d2 is “Kent” … You get the picture.

B.5.  Playlist/Song Info




Progress Bar

This will replace the entire line with a progress bar.

You can set the height, position and width of the progressbar (in pixels): %pb|height|leftpos|rightpos|toppos|


Percentage Played In Song


Current Time In Song


Total Number of Playlist Entries


Peak Meter. The entire line is used as volume peak meter.


Playlist Name (Without path or extension)


Playlist Position


Remaining Time In Song


Shuffle. Shows ’s’ if shuffle mode is enabled.


Total Track Time


Current volume (x dB). Can also be used in a conditional:


B.6.  Runtime Database




Song playcount


Song rating (0-10). This tag can also be used in a conditional tag, %?rr<0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10>

B.7.  Sound (DSP) settings




Display current playback pitch


Crossfade setting, in the order: Off, Shuffle, Skip, Always


ReplayGain value in use (x.y dB). If used as a conditional, Replaygain type in use: %?rg<Off|Track|Album|TrackShuffle|AlbumShuffle|No tag>

B.8.  Virtual LED




“h” if the hard disk is accessed

B.9.  Repeat Mode




Repeat mode, 0-4, in the order: Off, All, One, Shuffle

Example: %?mm<Off|All|One|Shuffle|A-B>

B.10.  Playback Mode Tags




Play status, 0-4, in the order: Stop, Play, Pause, Fast forward, Rewind

Example: %?mp<Stop|Play|Pause|Ffwd|Rew>

B.11.  Images




Load and set a backdrop image for the WPS. This image must be exactly the same size as your LCD.


Load a Progress bar image for the WPS. Use %pb tag to show the progress bar


Load and display an image

n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) for later referencing in %xd

filename: filename relative to /.rockbox/ and including .bmp

x: x coordinate

y: y coordinate.


Preload an image for later display (useful for when your images are displayed conditionally)

n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) for later referencing in %xd

filename: filename relative to /.rockbox/ and including .bmp

x: x coordinate

y: y coordinate.

nimages: (optional) number of sub-images (tiled vertically, of the same height) contained in the bitmap. Default is 1.


Display a preloaded image

n: image ID (a-z and A-Z) as it was specified in %x or %xl

i: (optional) number of the sub-image to display (a-z for 1-26 and A-Z for 27-52). By default the first (i.e. top most) sub-image will be used.


  1. Load and display the image /.rockbox/bg.bmp with ID “a” at 37, 109:
  2. Load a bitmap strip containing 5 volume icon images (all the same size) with image ID “M”, and then reference the individual sub-images in a conditional:


B.12.  Alignment




Text is left aligned


Text is center aligned


Text is right aligned

All alignment tags may be present in one line, but they need to be in the order left – center – right. If the aligned texts overlap, they are merged.

B.13.  Conditional Tags




If / Else: Evaluate for true or false case


Enumerations: Evaluate for first / second / third / …/ last condition

B.14.  Real Time Clock




Day of month


Zero padded day of month


Zero padded hour from 00 to 24


Hour from 0 to 24


Zero padded hour from 12 to 12


Hour from 12 to 12








2-digit year


4-digit year


Capital AM/PM


Lowercase am/pm


Weekday name


Month name


Day of week from 1 to 7, 1 is Monday


Day of week from 0 to 6, 0 is Sunday

B.15.  Other Tags




Display a ‘%’


Display a ‘<


Display a ‘|


Display a ‘>


Display a ‘;’


Indicate that the line should scroll. Can occur anywhere in a line (given that the text is displayed; see conditionals above). You can specify up to 10 scrolling lines. Scrolling lines can not contain dynamic content such as timers, peak meters or progress bars.