3.3. Uploading Trace Files to SDSC

After you have collected traces for your application(s), you may wish to upload your traces files to our server at SDSC (traces.rocksclusters.org). Once uploaded, then we (the Rocks Group) will use these traces to help us understand the I/O characteristics of parallel applications.

Specifically, in the near term, these traces will be used to support Greg Bruno's Ph.D. research regarding parallel file systems. So in effect, you'll be helping a student to graduate. :-)

To upload the trace files from each compute node to SDSC's server, on the frontend execute:

# make -f /opt/app-trace/collect/Makefile sdsc

This invokes the program /opt/app-trace/bin/collect.sh on each compute node which uses HTTPS POST to copy the file to SDSC's server. See the Internals Chapter for details regarding the mechanisms that are invoked when uploading trace files.