rocks set host bootflags {host...} [flags=string]
Set the boot flags for a host. The boot flags will applied to the configuration file that a host uses to boot the running kernel. For example, if a node uses GRUB as its boot loader, the boot flags will part of the 'append' line.
Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, then the global bootflag will be set.
The boot flags to set for the host.
Apply the kernel boot flags "mem=1024M" to compute-0-0.
rocks set host comment {host...} {comment} [comment=string]
Set the comment field for a list of hosts.
One or more host names.
The string to assign to the comment field for each host.
Can be used in place of the comment argument.
Sets the comment field to "Fast Node" for compute-0-0.
Sets the comment field to "Slow Node" for compute-0-0 and compute-0-1.
Same as above.
rocks set host cpus {host...} {cpus} [cpus=string]
Set the number of CPUs for a list of hosts.
One or more host names.
The number of CPUs to assign to each host.
Can be used in place of the cpus argument.
Sets the CPU value to 2 for compute-0-0.
Sets the CPU value to 4 for compute-0-0 and compute-0-1.
Same as above.
rocks set host interface gateway {host...} {iface} {gateway} [gateway=string] [iface=string]
Sets the gateway address for a logical interface on one or more hosts.
One or more named hosts.
Interface that should be updated. This may be a logical interface or the mac address of the interface.
The gateway address of the interface. Usually of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where n is a decimal digit. This format is not enforced. Use gateway=NULL to clear.
Can be used in place of the gateway argument.
Can be used in place of the iface argument.
Sets the gateway Address for the eth1 device on host compute-0-0.
Same as above.
Same as above.
Clear the gateway entry for eth1 on host compute-0-0
related commands
rocks set host interface iface {host...} {mac} {iface} [iface=string] [mac=string]
Sets the logical interface of a mac address for particular hosts.
One or more named hosts.
MAC address of the interface whose logical interface will be reassigned
Logical interface.
Can be used in place of the iface argument.
Can be used in place of the mac argument.
Sets the logical interface of MAC address 00:0e:0c:a7:5d:ff to be eth1
Same as above.
related commands
rocks set host interface ip {host} {iface} {ip} [iface=string] [ip=string]
Sets the IP address for the named interface for one host.
Host name.
Interface that should be updated. This may be a logical interface or the mac address of the interface.
The IP address of the interface. Usually of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where n is a decimal digit. This format is not enforced. Use IP=NULL to clear.
Can be used in place of the iface argument.
Can be used in place of the ip argument.
Sets the IP Address for the eth1 device on host compute-0-0.
Same as above.
rocks set host interface mac {host} {iface} {mac} [iface=string] [mac=string]
Sets the mac address for named interface on host.
Host name.
Interface that should be updated. This may be a logical interface or the mac address of the interface.
The mac address of the interface. Usually of the form dd:dd:dd:dd:dd:dd where d is a hex digit. This format is not enforced. Use mac=NULL to clear the mac address.
Can be used in place of the iface argument.
Can be used in place of the mac argument.
Sets the MAC Address for the eth1 device on host compute-0-0.
Same as above.
clears the mac address from the database
related commands
rocks set host interface module {host...} {iface} {module} [iface=string] [module=string]
Sets the device module for a named interface. On Linux this will get translated to an entry in /etc/modprobe.conf.
One or more hosts.
Interface that should be updated. This may be a logical interface or the MAC address of the interface.
The software device module of interface. Use module=NULL to clear.
Can be used in place of the iface argument.
Can be used in place of the module argument.
Sets the device module for eth1 to be e1000 on host compute-0-0.
Same as above.
Clear the module entry.
related commands
rocks set host interface name {host} {iface} {name} [iface=string] [name=string]
Sets the logical name of a network interface on a particular host. This is usually a fully qualified domain name.
Host name.
Interface that should be updated. This may be a logical interface or the MAC address of the interface.
Name of this interface (e.g. This is usually of the form, hostname.domain, but is not enforced. Use name=NULL to clear.
Can be used in place of the iface argument.
Can be used in place of the name argument.
Sets the name for the eth1 device on host compute-0-0 to
Same as above.
related commands
rocks set host interface subnet {host...} {iface} {subnet} [iface=string] [subnet=string]
Sets the subnet for named interface on one of more hosts.
One or more named hosts.
Interface that should be updated. This may be a logical interface or the MAC address of the interface.
The subnet address of the interface. This is a named subnet and must be listable by the command 'rocks list subnet'.
Can be used in place of the iface argument.
Can be used in place of the subnet argument.
Sets eth1 to be on the public subnet.
Same as above.
related commands
rocks set host interface vlan {host...} {iface} {vlanid} [iface=string] [vlanid=string]
Sets the VLAN ID for an interface on one of more hosts.
One or more named hosts.
Interface that should be updated. This may be a logical interface or the mac address of the interface.
The VLAN ID that should be updated. This must be an integer and the pair 'subnet/vlanid' must be defined in the VLANs table.
Can be used in place of the iface argument.
Can be used in place of the vlanid argument.
Sets compute-0-0-0's private interface to VLAN ID 2.
Same as above.
related commands
rocks set host membership {host...} {membership} [membership=string]
Set the membership for hosts.
One or more host names.
The membership to assign to each host.
Can be used in place of the membership argument.
Sets the membership to 'NAS Appliance' for nas-0-0.
Same as above.
Sets the membership to 'Compute' for all known hosts.
rocks set host pxeboot {host...} [action=string]
Set a pxeaction for a host. This action defines what configuration is sent back to a host the next time it PXE boots.
One or more host names.
The label name for the pxeaction. For a list of pxeactions, execute: 'rocks list host pxeaction'. If no action is supplied, then only the configuration file for the list of hosts will be rewritten.
Set the 'os' pxeaction for compute-0-0.
rocks set host rack {host...} {rack} [rack=string]
Set the rack number for a list of hosts.
One or more host names.
The rack number to assign to each host.
Can be used in place of rack argument.
Set the rack number to 2 for compute-2-0.
Set the rack number to 0 for compute-0-0 and compute-0-1.
Same as above.
rocks set host rank {host...} {rank} [rank=string]
Set the rank number for a list of hosts.
One or more host names.
The rank number to assign to each host.
Can be used in place of rank argument.
Set the rank number to 2 for compute-0-2.
Set the rank number to 0 for compute-0-0 and compute-1-0.
Same as above.
rocks set network netmask {network...} {netmask} [netmask=string]
Sets the network mask for one or more named networks .
One or more named networks that should have the defined netmask.
Netmask that named networks should have.
Can be used in place of netmask argument.
Sets the netmask for the "optiputer" network to a class-c address space.
Same as above.
Sets the netmask for the "optiputer" and "cavewave" networks to a class-b address space.
related commands
rocks set network subnet {network...} {subnet} [subnet=string]
Sets the subnet for one or more named networks.
One or more named networks that should have the defined subnet.
Subnet that named networks should have.
Can be used in place of subnet argument.
Sets the "optiputer" subnet address to
Same as above.
Sets both the "optiputer" and "cavewave" subnet addresses to the same value of
related commands
rocks set var {service} {component} {value} [appliance=string] [component=string] [service=string] [value=string]
Set variables in the Rocks key/value database. Variables are defined as quad of (Appliance, Service, Component, Value). Within a node XML file, values can be retrieved as <var name="Service_Component"/>.
Defines the service name. e.g., service=Kickstart.
Defines the component name. e.g., component=PublicDNS.
Defines the value for the variable.
If supplied, restricts to the named appliance. See 'rocks list appliance' for a listing of appliances.
Can be used in place of component argument.
Can be used in place of service argument.
Can be used in place of value argument.
Set the variable name <var name="Condor_Master"/> to 'localhost'.
Set the variable name <var name="Condor_Master"/> to 'localhost' and associate it with only compute appliances.