Client ACL system

The salt client ACL system is a means to allow system users other than root to have access to execute select salt commands on minions from the master.

The client ACL system is configured in the master configuration file via the client_acl configuration option. Under the client_acl configuration option the users open to send commands are specified and then a list of regular expressions which specify the minion functions which will be made available to specified user. This configuration is much like the peer configuration:

# Allow thatch to execute anything and allow fred to use ping and pkg
    - .*
    - ping.*
    - pkg.*

Permission Issues

Directories required for client_acl must be modified to be readable by the users specified:

chmod 755 /var/cache/salt /var/cache/salt/jobs /var/run/salt

If you are upgrading from earlier versions of salt you must also remove any existing user keys and re-start the Salt master:

rm /var/cache/salt/.*key
service salt-master restart

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