Support for Apache
Return list of directives together with expected arguments and places where the directive is valid (apachectl -L)
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.directives
Return server version from apachectl -V
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.fullversion
Return list of static and shared modules from apachectl -M
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.modules
Return list of modules compiled into the server (apachectl -l)
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.servermods
Signals httpd to start, restart, or stop.
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.signal restart
Add an HTTP user using the htpasswd command. If the htpasswd file does not exist, it will be created. Valid options that can be passed are:
n Don't update file; display results on stdout. m Force MD5 encryption of the password (default). d Force CRYPT encryption of the password. p Do not encrypt the password (plaintext). s Force SHA encryption of the password.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpassword
salt '*' apache.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpass opts=ns
Delete an HTTP user from the specified htpasswd file.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.userdel /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry
Return server version from apachectl -v
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.version
Show the settings as parsed from the config file (currently only shows the virtualhost settings). (apachectl -S) Because each additional virtual host adds to the execution time, this command may require a long timeout be specified.
CLI Example:
salt -t 10 '*' apache.vhosts