Manages configuration files via augeas
depends: |
Get a value for a specific augeas path
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.get /files/etc/hosts/1/ ipaddr
List the direct children of a node
CLI Example:
salt '*' /files/etc/passwd
Get matches for path expression
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.match /files/etc/services/service-name ssh
Get matches for path expression
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.remove /files/etc/sysctl.conf/net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians
Set a value for a specific augeas path
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.setvalue /files/etc/hosts/1/canonical localhost
This will set the first entry in /etc/hosts to localhost
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.setvalue /files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr \
/files/etc/hosts/01/canonical test
Adds a new host to /etc/hosts the ip address and hostname test
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.setvalue prefix=/files/etc/sudoers/ \
"spec[user = '%wheel']/user" "%wheel" \
"spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/host" 'ALL' \
"spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/command[1]" 'ALL' \
"spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/command[1]/tag" 'PASSWD' \
"spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/command[2]" '/usr/bin/apt-get' \
"spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/command[2]/tag" NOPASSWD
Ensures that the following line is present in /etc/sudoers:
%wheel ALL = PASSWD : ALL , NOPASSWD : /usr/bin/apt-get , /usr/bin/aptitude
Returns recursively the complete tree of a node
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.tree /files/etc/