Return config information
Return the backup mode
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.backup_mode
Pass in a configuration value that should be preceded by the module name and a dot, this will return a list of all read key/value pairs
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.dot_vals host
Download the salt-bootstrap script, set replace to True to refresh the script if it has already been downloaded
CLI Example:
salt '*' qemu.gather_bootstrap_script True
Attempt to retrieve the named value from opts, pillar, grains of the master config, if the named value is not available return the passed default. The default return is an empty string.
The value can also represent a value in a nested dict using a ":" delimiter for the dict. This means that if a dict looks like this:
{'pkg': {'apache': 'httpd'}}
To retrieve the value associated with the apache key in the pkg dict this key can be passed:
This routine traverses these data stores in this order:
Local minion config (opts) Minion's grains Minion's pillar Master config
CLI Example:
salt '*' pillar.get pkg:apache
Return a mode value, normalized to a string
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.manage_mode
Pass in a generic option and receive the value that will be assigned
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.option
Returns a boolean value based on whether or not the URI passed has a valid remote file protocol designation
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.valid_fileproto salt://path/to/file