Salt module to manage RAID arrays with mdadm
Create a RAID device.
WARNING!! Use with CAUTION, as this function can be very destructive if not used properly!
Use it just as a regular mdadm command.
For more info, read 'man mdadm'
NOTE: It takes time to create a RAID array. You can check the progress in "resync_status:" field of command:
salt '*' raid.detail /dev/md0
CLI Examples:
Test mode: if you add a test_mode=True as an argument - it will print out the command to double check.
salt '*' raid.create /dev/md0 level=1 chunk=256 raid-devices=2 /dev/xvdd /dev/xvde test_mode=True
NON-Testing mode:
salt '*' raid.create /dev/md0 level=1 chunk=256 raid-devices=2 /dev/xvdd /dev/xvde
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Destroy a RAID device.
WARNING This will zero the superblock of all members of the RAID array..
CLI Example:
salt '*' raid.destroy /dev/md0
Show detail for a specified RAID device
CLI Example:
salt '*' raid.detail '/dev/md0'
List the RAID devices.
CLI Example:
salt '*' raid.list