Install Python packages with pip to either the system or a virtualenv
Return a list of installed packages either globally or in the specified virtualenv
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.freeze /home/code/path/to/virtualenv/
Install packages with pip
Install packages individually or from a pip requirements file. Install packages globally or to a virtualenv.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.install <package name>,<package2 name>
salt '*' pip.install requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt
salt '*' pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv
salt '*' pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin
Complicated CLI example:
salt '*' pip.install markdown,django editable=git+ upgrade=True no_deps=True
Filter list of installed apps from freeze and check to see if prefix exists in the list of packages installed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.list salt
Uninstall packages with pip
Uninstall packages individually or from a pip requirements file. Uninstall packages globally or from a virtualenv.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name>,<package2 name>
salt '*' pip.uninstall requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt
salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv
salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin