A salt interface to psutil, a system and process library. See http://code.google.com/p/psutil.
depends: |
Return the boot time in number of seconds since the epoch began.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.boot_time
Return the amount cached memory.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.cached_physical_memory
Return the percent of time the CPU is busy.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.cpu_percent
Return the percent of time the CPU spends in each state, e.g. user, system, idle, nice, iowait, irq, softirq.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.cpu_times
Return disk I/O statisitics.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.disk_io_counters
Return a list of disk partitions plus the mount point, filesystem and usage statistics.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.disk_partition_usage
Return a list of disk partitions and their device, mount point, and filesystem type.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.disk_partitions
Given a path, return a dict listing the total available space as well as the free space, and used space.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.disk_usage /home
Return a list of process ids (PIDs) for all running processes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.get_pid_list
Return network I/O statisitics.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.network_io_counters
Return the number of CPUs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.num_cpus
Return the amount of physical memory buffers.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.physical_memory_buffers
Return a dict that describes free and available physical memory.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' ps.physical_memory_usage
Return a list of top CPU consuming processes during the interval. num_processes = return the top N CPU consuming processes interval = the number of seconds to sample CPU usage over
CLI Examples:
salt '*' ps.top
salt '*' ps.top 5 10
Return the total number of bytes of physical memory.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.total_physical_memory
Return a dict that describes free and available memory, both physical and virtual.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ps.virtual_memory_usage