Connection module for Amazon S3
configuration: | This module is not usable until the following are specified either in a pillar or in the minion's config file: s3.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H
s3.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A service_url may also be specified in the configuration: s3.service_url:
If a service_url is not specified, the default is This may appear in various documentation as an "endpoint". A comprehensive list for Amazon S3 may be found at:
The service_url will form the basis for the final endpoint that is used to query the service. This module should be usable to query other S3-like services, such as Eucalyptus. |
Delete a bucket, or delete an object from a bucket.
CLI Example to delete a bucket:
salt myminion s3.delete mybucket
CLI Example to delete an object from a bucket:
salt myminion s3.delete mybucket remoteobject
List the contents of a bucket, or return an object from a bucket. Set return_bin to True in order to retrieve an object wholesale. Otherwise, Salt will attempt to parse an XML response.
CLI Example to list buckets:
salt myminion s3.get
CLI Example to list the contents of a bucket:
salt myminion s3.get mybucket
CLI Example to return the binary contents of an object:
salt myminion s3.get mybucket myfile.png return_bin=True
CLI Example to save the binary contents of an object to a local file:
salt myminion s3.get mybucket myfile.png local_file=/tmp/myfile.png
It is also possible to perform an action on a bucket. Currently, S3 supports the following actions:
To perform an action on a bucket:
salt myminion s3.get mybucket myfile.png action=acl
Return the metadata for a bucket, or an object in a bucket.
CLI Examples:
salt myminion s3.head mybucket
salt myminion s3.head mybucket myfile.png
Create a new bucket, or upload an object to a bucket.
CLI Example to create a bucket:
salt myminion s3.put mybucket
CLI Example to upload an object to a bucket:
salt myminion s3.put mybucket remotepath local_path=/path/to/file