Execute calls on selinux
Return the mode selinux is running in
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.getenforce
Return the information on a specific selinux boolean
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.getsebool virt_use_usb
Return a structure listing all of the selinux booleans on the system and what state they are in
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.list_sebool
Set the SELinux enforcing mode
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.setenforce enforcing
Set the value for a boolean
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.setsebool virt_use_usb off
Set the value of multiple booleans
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.setsebools '{virt_use_usb: on, squid_use_tproxy: off}'