Module for managing timezone on POSIX-like systems.
Get current hardware clock setting (UTC or localtime)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_hwclock
Get current numeric timezone offset from UCT (i.e. -0700)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_offset
Get current timezone (i.e. America/Denver)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_zone
Get current timezone (i.e. PST, MDT, etc)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_zonecode
Sets the hardware clock to be either UTC or localtime
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.set_hwclock UTC
Unlinks, then symlinks /etc/localtime to the set timezone.
The timezone is crucial to several system processes, each of which SHOULD be restarted (for instance, whatever you system uses as its cron and syslog daemons). This will not be magically done for you!
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.set_zone 'America/Denver'
Checks the md5sum between the given timezone, and the one set in /etc/localtime. Returns True if they match, and False if not. Mostly useful for running state checks.
salt '*' timezone.zone_compare 'America/Denver'