
General management functions for salt, tools like seeing what hosts are up and what hosts are down


Print a list of all the down or unresponsive salt minions


This routine is used to regenerate all keys in an environment. This is invasive! ALL KEYS IN THE SALT ENVIRONMENT WILL BE REGENERATED!!

The key_regen routine sends a command out to minions to revoke the master key and remove all minion keys, it then removes all keys from the master and prompts the user to restart the master. The minions will all reconnect and keys will be placed in pending.

After the master is restarted and minion keys are in the pending directory execute a salt-key -A command to accept the regenerated minion keys.

Only Execute this runner after upgrading minions and master to 0.15.1 or higher!


Print the status of all known salt minions


Print a list of all of the minions that are up


Check the version of active minions

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