To run the tests, use tests/, see --help for more info.
You will need 'mock' ( in addition to salt requirements in order to run the tests.
Salt uses a test platform to verify functionality of components in a simple way. Two testing systems exist to enable testing salt functions in somewhat real environments. The two subsystems available are integration tests and unit tests.
Salt uses the python standard library unittest2 system for testing.
The integration tests start up a number of salt daemons to test functionality in a live environment. These daemons include 2 salt masters, 1 syndic and 2 minions. This allows for the syndic interface to be tested and master/minion communication to be verified. All of the integration tests are executed as live salt commands sent through the started daemons.
Integration tests are particularly good at testing modules, states and shell commands.
Direct unit tests are also available, these tests are good for internal functions.