0.12.3 to 0.12.4¶
- Work around URI problems with encoding and resolving. (#725)
- Allow -cp argument to apply command to be quoted. (#724)
- Make sbtBinaryVersion use the new approach for 0.13 and later to support cross-building plugins.
- Pull sbtDependency version from sbtVersion to facilitate cross-building plugins.
- Proper support for stashing on-failure handlers. (#732)
- Include files with zip extension in unmanaged jars. (#750)
- Only add automatically detected plugins to options once. (#757)
- Properly handle failure in a multi-command that includes reload. (#732)
- Fix unsynchronized caching of Scala class loaders that could result in Scala classes being loaded in multiple class loaders.
- Incremental compiler: remove resident compiler code (wasn't used and was a compatibility liability)
- Incremental compiler: properly track abstract override modifier. (#726)
- Incremental compiler: do not normalize types in the api extraction phase. (#736)
- Ivy cache: account for localOnly when cache subclass overrides isChanging
- Ivy cache: fix corruption when developing sbt or sbt plugins. (#768)
- Ivy cache: invalidate when artifact download fails to avoid locking into bad resolver. (#760)
- Ivy cache: use publication date from metadata instead of original file's last modified time when deleting out of date artifacts. (#764)
- Ivy: Fix regression in 0.12.3 where artifacts without an explicit configuration wouldn't be listed in ivy.xml.
0.12.2 to 0.12.3¶
- Allow cleanKeepFiles to contain directories
- Disable Ivy debug-level logging for performance. (#635)
- Invalidate artifacts not recorded in the original metadata when a module marked as changing changes. (#637, #641)
- Ivy Artifact needs wildcard configuration added if no explicit ones are defined. (#439)
- Right precedence of lookup, handle qualifier correctly. (#651)
- Mark the tests failed exception as having already provided feedback.
- Handle exceptions not caught by the test framework when forking. (#653)
- Support reload plugins after ignoring a failure to load a project.
- Workaround for os deadlock detection at the process level. (#650)
- Fix for dependency on class file corresponding to a package. (Grzegorz K., #620)
- Fix incremental compilation problem with package objects inheriting from invalidated sources in a subpackage.
- Use Ivy's default name for the resolution report so that links to other configurations work.
- Include jars from java.ext.dirs in incremental classpath. (#678)
- Multi-line prompt text offset issue (Jibbers42, #625)
- Added xml:space="preserve" attribute to extraDependencyAttributes XML Block for publishing poms for plugins dependent on other plugins (Brendan M., #645)
- Tag the actual test task and not a later task. (#692)
- Make exclude-classifiers per-user instead of per-build. (#634)
- Load global plugins in their own class loader and replace the base loader with that. (#272)
- Demote the default conflict warnings to the debug level. These will be removed completely in 0.13. (#709)
- Fix Ivy cache issues when multiple resolvers are involved. (#704)
0.12.1 to 0.12.2¶
- Support -Yrangepos. (Lex S., #607)
- Only make one call to test frameworks per test name. (#520)
- Add -cp option to the apply method to make adding commands from an external program easier.
- Stable representation of refinement typerefs. This fixes unnecessary recompilations in some cases. (Adriaan M., #610)
- Disable aggregation for run-main. (#606)
- Concurrent restrictions: Untagged should be set based on the task's tags, not the tags of all tasks.
- When preserving the last modified time of files, convert negative values to 0
- Use java.lang.Throwable.setStackTrace when sending exceptions back from forked tests. (Eugene V., #543)
- Don't merge dependencies with mismatched transitive/force/changing values. (#582)
- Filter out null parent files when deleting empty directories. (Eugene V., #589)
- Work around File constructor not accepting URIs for UNC paths. (#564)
- Split ForkTests react() out to workaround SI-6526 (avoids a stackoverflow in some forked test situations)
- Maven-style ivy repo support in the launcher config (Eric B., #585)
- Compare external binaries with canonical files (nau, #584)
- Call System.exit after the main thread is finished. (Eugene V., #565)
- Abort running tests on the first failure to communicate results back to the main process. (Eugene V., #557)
- Don't let the right side of the alias command fail the parse. (#572)
- Don't try to look up the class file for a package. (#620)
0.12.0 to 0.12.1¶
Dependency management fixes:
- Merge multiple dependency definitions for the same ID. Workaround for #468, #285, #419, #480.
- Don't write section of pom if scope is 'compile'.
- Ability to properly match on artifact type. Fixes #507 (Thomas).
- Force update to run on changes to last modified time of artifacts or cached descriptor (part of fix for #532). It may also fix issues when working with multiple local projects via 'publish-local' and binary dependencies.
- Per-project resolution cache that deletes cached files before update. Notes:
- The resolution cache differs from the repository cache and does not contain dependency metadata or artifacts.
- The resolution cache contains the generated ivy files, properties, and resolve reports for the project.
- There will no longer be individual files directly in ~/.ivy2/cache/
- Resolve reports are now in target/resolution-cache/reports/, viewable with a browser.
- Cache location includes extra attributes so that cross builds of a plugin do not overwrite each other. Fixes #532.
Three stage incremental compilation:
- As before, the first step recompiles sources that were edited (or otherwise directly invalidated).
- The second step recompiles sources from the first step whose API has changed, their direct dependencies, and sources forming a cycle with these sources.
- The third step recompiles transitive dependencies of sources from the second step whose API changed.
- Code relying mainly on composition should see decreased compilation times with this approach.
- Code with deep inheritance hierarchies and large cycles between sources may take longer to compile.
- last compile will show cycles that were processed in step 2. Reducing large cycles of sources shown here may decrease compile times.
Miscellaneous fixes and improvements:
- Various test forking fixes. Fixes #512, #515.
- Proper isolation of build definition classes. Fixes #536, #511.
- orbit packaging should be handled like a standard jar. Fixes #499.
- In IO.copyFile, limit maximum size transferred via NIO. Fixes #491.
- Add OSX JNI library extension in includeFilter by default. Fixes #500. (Indrajit)
- Translate show x y into ;show x ;show y . Fixes #495.
- Clean up temporary directory on exit. Fixes #502.
- set prints the scopes+keys it defines and affects.
- Tab completion for set (experimental).
- Report file name when an error occurs while opening a corrupt zip file in incremental compilation code. (James)
- Defer opening logging output files until an actual write. Helps reduce number of open file descriptors.
- Back all console loggers by a common console interface that merges (overwrites) consecutive Resolving xxxx ... lines when ansi codes are enabled (as first done by Play).
Forward-compatible-only change (not present in 0.12.0):
- sourcesInBase setting controls whether sources in base directory are included. Fixes #494.
0.11.3 to 0.12.0¶
The changes for 0.12.0 are listed on a separate page. See 0.12.0 Changes.
0.11.2 to 0.11.3¶
- The sbt group ID is changed to org.scala-sbt (from org.scala-tools.sbt). This means you must use a 0.11.3 launcher to launch 0.11.3.
- The convenience objects ScalaToolsReleases and ScalaToolsSnapshots now point to and .../snapshots
- The launcher no longer includes repositories by default and instead uses the Sonatype OSS snapshots repository for Scala snapshots.
- The releases repository is no longer included as an application repository by default. The Sonatype OSS repository is not included by default in its place.
Other fixes:
- Compiler interface works with 2.10
- maxErrors setting is no longer ignored
- Correct test count. #372 (Eugene)
- Fix file descriptor leak in process library (Daniel)
- Buffer url input stream returned by Using. #437
- Jsch version bumped to 0.1.46. #403
- JUnit test detection handles ancestors properly (Indrajit)
- Avoid unnecessarily re-resolving plugins. #368
- Substitute variables in explicit version strings and custom repository definitions in launcher configuration
- Support setting sbt.version from system property, which overrides setting in a properties file. #354
- Minor improvements to command/key suggestions
0.11.1 to 0.11.2¶
Notable behavior change:
- The local Maven repository has been removed from the launcher's list of default repositories, which is used for obtaining sbt and Scala dependencies. This is motivated by the high probability that including this repository was causing the various problems some users have with the launcher not finding some dependencies (#217).
- #257 Fix invalid classifiers in pom generation (Indrajit)
- #255 Fix scripted plugin descriptor (Artyom)
- Fix forking git on windows (Stefan, Josh)
- #261 Fix whitespace handling for semicolon-separated commands
- #263 Fix handling of dependencies with an explicit URL
- #272 Show deprecation message for project/plugins/
0.11.0 to 0.11.1¶
Breaking change:
- The scripted plugin is now in the sbt package so that it can be used from a named package
Notable behavior change:
- By default, there is more logging during update: one line per dependency resolved and two lines per dependency downloaded. This is to address the appearance that sbt hangs on larger 'update's.
Fixes and improvements:
- Show help for a key with help <key>
- #21 Reduced memory and time overhead of incremental recompilation with signature hash based approach.
- Rotate global log so that only output since last prompt is displayed for last
- #169 Add support for exclusions with excludeAll and exclude methods on ModuleID. (Indrajit)
- #235 Checksums configurable for launcher
- #246 Invalidate update when update is invalidated for an internal project dependency
- #138 Include plugin sources and docs in update-sbt-classifiers
- #219 Add cleanupCommands setting to specify commands to run before interpreter exits
- #46 Fix regression in caching missing classifiers for update-classifiers and update-sbt-classifiers.
- #228 Set connectInput to true to connect standard input to forked run
- #229 Limited task execution interruption using ctrl+c
- #220 Properly record source dependencies from separate compilation runs in the same step.
- #214 Better default behavior for classpathConfiguration for external Ivy files
- #212 Fix transitive plugin dependencies.
- #222 Generate section in make-pom. (Jan)
- Build resolvers, loaders, and transformers.
- Allow project dependencies to be modified by a setting (buildDependencies) but with the restriction that new builds cannot be introduced.
- #174, #196, #201, #204, #207, #208, #226, #224, #253
0.10.1 to 0.11.0¶
Major Improvements:
Move to 2.9.1 for project definitions and plugins
Drop support for 2.7
Settings overhaul, mainly to make API documentation more usable
Support using native libraries in run and test (but not console, for example)
Automatic plugin cross-versioning. Use
addSbtPlugin("group" % "name" % "version")
in project/plugins.sbt instead of libraryDependencies += ... See Plugins for details
Fixes and Improvements:
- Display all undefined settings at once, instead of only the first one
- Deprecate separate classpathFilter, defaultExcludes, and sourceFilter keys in favor of includeFilter and excludeFilter explicitly scoped by unmanagedSources, unmanagedResources, or unmanagedJars as appropriate (Indrajit)
- Default to using shared boot directory in ~/.sbt/boot/
- Can put contents of project/plugins/ directly in project/ instead. Will likely deprecate plugins/ directory
- Key display is context sensitive. For example, in a single project, the build and project axes will not be displayed
- #114, #118, #121, #132, #135, #157: Various settings and error message improvements
- #115: Support configuring checksums separately for publish and update
- #118: Add about command
- #118, #131: Improve last command. Aggregate last <task> and display all recent output for last
- #120: Support read-only external file projects (Fred)
- #128: Add skip setting to override recompilation change detection
- #139: Improvements to pom generation (Indrajit)
- #140, #145: Add standard manifest attributes to binary and source jars (Indrajit)
- Allow sources used for doc generation to be different from sources for compile
- #156: Made package an alias for package-bin
- #162: handling of optional dependencies in pom generation
0.10.0 to 0.10.1¶
Some of the more visible changes:
- Support "provided" as a valid configuration for inter-project dependencies #53
- Try out some better error messages for build.sbt in a few common situations #58
- Drop "Incomplete tasks ..." line from error messages. #32
- Better handling of javac logging. gc-74
- Warn when reload discards session settings
- Cache failing classifiers, making 'update-classifiers' a practical replacement for withSources()
- Global settings may be provided in ~/.sbt/build.sbt #52
- No need to define "sbtPlugin := true" in project/plugins/ or ~/.sbt/plugins/
- Provide statistics and list of evicted modules in UpdateReport
- Scope use of 'transitive-classifiers' by 'update-sbt-classifiers' and 'update-classifiers' for separate configuration.
- Default project ID includes a hash of base directory to avoid collisions in simple cases.
- 'extra-loggers' setting to make it easier to add loggers
- Associate ModuleID, Artifact and Configuration with a classpath entry (moduleID, artifact, and configuration keys). #41
- Put httpclient on Ivy's classpath, which seems to speed up 'update'.
0.7.7 to 0.10.0¶
Major redesign, only prominent changes listed.
- Project definitions in Scala 2.8.1
- New configuration system: Basic Definition Examples, .scala Build Definition, and .sbt Build Definition
- New task engine: Tasks
- New multiple project support: .scala Build Definition
- More aggressive incremental recompilation for both Java and Scala sources
- Merged plugins and processors into improved plugins system: Plugins
- Web application and webstart support moved to plugins instead of core features
- Fixed all of the issues in (Google Code) issue #44
- Managed dependencies automatically updated when configuration changes
- update-sbt-classifiers and update-classifiers tasks for retrieving sources and/or javadocs for dependencies, transitively
- Improved artifact handling and configuration Artifacts
- Tab completion parser combinators for commands and input tasks: Commands
- No project creation prompts anymore
- Moved to GitHub:
0.7.4 to 0.7.5¶
- Joonas's update to work with Jetty 7.1 logging API changes.
- Updated to work with Jetty 7.2 WebAppClassLoader binary incompatibility (issue 129).
- Provide application and boot classpaths to tests and 'run'ning code according to
- Fix provided configuration. It is no longer included on the classpath of dependent projects.
- Scala 2.8.1 is the default version used when starting a new project.
- Updated to Ivy 2.2.0.
- Trond's patches that allow configuring jetty-env.xml and webdefault.xml
- Doug's patch to make 'projects' command show an asterisk next to current project
- Fixed issue 122
- Implemented issue 118
- Patch from Viktor and Ross for issue 123
- (RC1) Patch from Jorge for issue 100
- (RC1) Fix <packaging> type
0.7.3 to 0.7.4¶
- prefix continuous compilation with run number for better feedback when logging level is 'warn'
- Added pomIncludeRepository(repo: MavenRepository): Boolean that can be overridden to exclude local repositories by default
- Added pomPostProcess(pom: Node): Node to make advanced manipulation of the default pom easier (pomExtra already covers basic cases)
- Added reset command to reset JLine terminal. This needs to be run after suspending and then resuming sbt.
- Installer plugin is now a proper subproject of sbt.
- Plugins can now only be Scala sources. BND should be usable in a plugin now.
- More accurate detection of invalid test names. Invalid test names now generate an error and prevent the test action from running instead of just logging a warning.
- Fix issue with using 2.8.0.RC1 compiler in tests.
- Precompile compiler interface against 2.8.0.RC2
- Add consoleOptions for specifying options to the console. It defaults to compileOptions.
- Properly support sftp/ssh repositories using key-based authentication. See the updated section of the Resolvers page.
- def ivyUpdateLogging = UpdateLogging.DownloadOnly | Full | Quiet. Default is DownloadOnly. Full will log metadata resolution and provide a final summary.
- offline property for disabling checking for newer dynamic revisions (like -SNAPSHOT). This allows working offline with remote snapshots. Not honored for plugins yet.
- History commands: !!, !?string, !-n, !n, !string, !:n, !: Run ! to see help.
- New section in launcher configuration [ivy] with a single label cache-directory. Specify this to change the cache location used by the launcher.
- New label classifiers under [app] to specify classifiers of additional artifacts to retrieve for the application.
- Honor -Xfatal-warnings option added to compiler in 2.8.0.RC2.
- Make scaladocTask a fileTask so that it runs only when index.html is older than some input source.
- Made it easier to create default test-* tasks with different options
- Sort input source files for consistency, addressing scalac's issues with source file ordering.
- Derive Java source file from name of class file when no SourceFile attribute is present in the class file. Improves tracking when -g:none option is used.
- Fix FileUtilities.unzip to be tail-recursive again.
0.7.2 to 0.7.3¶
- Fixed issue with scala.library.jar not being on javac's classpath
- Fixed buffered logging for parallel execution
- Fixed test-* tab completion being permanently set on first completion
- Works with Scala 2.8 trunk again.
- Launcher: Maven local repository excluded when the Scala version is a snapshot. This should fix issues with out of date Scala snapshots.
- The compiler interface is precompiled against common Scala versions (for this release, 2.7.7 and 2.8.0.Beta1).
- Added PathFinder.distinct
- Running multiple commands at once at the interactive prompt is now supported. Prefix each command with ';'.
- Run and return the output of a process as a String with !! or as a (blocking) Stream[String] with lines.
- Java tests + Annotation detection
- Test frameworks can now specify annotation fingerprints. Specify the names of annotations and sbt discovers classes with the annotations on it or one of its methods. Use version 0.5 of the test-interface.
- Detect subclasses and annotations in Java sources (really, their class files)
- Discovered is new root of hierarchy representing discovered subclasses + annotations. TestDefinition no longer fulfills this role.
- TestDefinition is modified to be name+Fingerprint and represents a runnable test. It need not be Discovered, but could be file-based in the future, for example.
- Replaced testDefinitionClassNames method with fingerprints in CompileConfiguration.
- Added foundAnnotation to AnalysisCallback
- Added Runner2, Fingerprint, AnnotationFingerprint, and SubclassFingerprint to the test-interface. Existing test frameworks should still work. Implement Runner2 to use fingerprints other than SubclassFingerprint.
0.7.1 to 0.7.2¶
- Process.apply no longer uses CommandParser. This should fix issues with the android-plugin.
- Added sbt.impl.Arguments for parsing a command like a normal action (for Processors)
- Arguments are passed to javac using an argument file (@)
- Added webappUnmanaged: PathFinder method to DefaultWebProject. Paths selected by this PathFinder will not be pruned by prepare-webapp and will not be packaged by package. For example, to exclude the GAE datastore directory: scala override def webappUnmanaged = (temporaryWarPath / "WEB-INF" / "appengine-generated" ***)
- Added some String generation methods to PathFinder: toString for debugging and absString and relativeString for joining the absolute (relative) paths by the platform separator.
- Made tab completors lazier to reduce startup time.
- Fixed console-project for custom subprojects
- Processor split into Processor/BasicProcessor. Processor provides high level of integration with command processing. BasicProcessor operates on a Project but does not affect command processing.
- Can now use Launcher externally, including launching sbt outside of the official jar. This means a Project can now be created from tests.
- Works with Scala 2.8 trunk
- Fixed logging level behavior on subprojects.
- All sbt code is now at in one project.
0.7.0 to 0.7.1¶
- Fixed Jetty 7 support to work with JRebel
- Fixed make-pom to generate valid dependencies section
0.5.6 to 0.7.0¶
- Unifed batch and interactive commands. All commands that can be executed at interactive prompt can be run from the command line. To run commands and then enter interactive prompt, make the last command 'shell'.
- Properly track certain types of synthetic classes, such as for comprehension with >30 clauses, during compilation.
- Jetty 7 support
- Allow launcher in the project root directory or the lib directory. The jar name must have the form'*sbt-launch*.jar' in order to be excluded from the classpath.
- Stack trace detail can be controlled with 'on', 'off', 'nosbt', or an integer level. 'nosbt' means to show stack frames up to the first sbt method. An integer level denotes the number of frames to show for each cause. This feature is courtesty of Tony Sloane.
- New action 'test-run' method that is analogous to 'run', but for test classes.
- New action 'clean-plugins' task that clears built plugins (useful for plugin development).
- Can provide commands from a file with new command: <filename
- Can provide commands over loopback interface with new command: <port
- Scala version handling has been completely redone.
- The version of Scala used to run sbt (currently 2.7.7) is decoupled from the version used to build the project.
- Changing between Scala versions on the fly is done with the command: ++<version>
- Cross-building is quicker. The project definition does not need to be recompiled against each version in the cross-build anymore.
- Scala versions are specified in a space-delimited list in the build.scala.versions property.
- Dependency management:
- make-pom task now uses custom pom generation code instead of Ivy's pom writer.
- Basic support for writing out Maven-style repositories to the pom
- Override the 'pomExtra' method to provide XML (scala.xml.NodeSeq) to insert directly into the generated pom.
- Complete control over repositories is now possible by overriding ivyRepositories.
- The interface to Ivy can be used directly.
- Test framework support is now done through a uniform test interface. Implications:
- New versions of specs, ScalaCheck, and ScalaTest are supported as soon as they are released.
- Support is better, since the test framework authors provide the implementation.
- Arguments can be passed to the test framework. For example: {{{ > test-only your.test -- -a -b -c }}}
- Can provide custom task start and end delimiters by defining the system properties sbt.start.delimiter and sbt.end.delimiter.
- Revamped launcher that can launch Scala applications, not just sbt
- Provide a configuration file to the launcher and it can download the application and its dependencies from a repository and run it.
- sbt's configuration can be customized. For example,
- The sbt version to use in projects can be fixed, instead of read from project/
- The default values used to create a new project can be changed.
- The repositories used to fetch sbt and its dependencies, including Scala, can be configured.
- The location sbt is retrieved to is configurable. For example, /home/user/.ivy2/sbt/ could be used instead of project/boot/.
0.5.5 to 0.5.6¶
- Support specs specifications defined as classes
- Fix specs support for 1.6
- Support ScalaTest 1.0
- Support ScalaCheck 1.6
- Remove remaining uses of structural types
0.5.4 to 0.5.5¶
- Fixed problem with classifier support and the corresponding test
- No longer need "->default" in configurations (automatically mapped).
- Can specify a specific nightly of Scala 2.8 to use (for example: 2.8.0-20090910.003346-+)
- Experimental support for searching for project (|only|root-first|nearest)
- Fix issue where last path component of local repository was dropped if it did not exist.
- Added support for configuring repositories on a per-module basis.
- Unified batch-style and interactive-style commands. All commands that were previously interactive-only should be available batch-style. 'reboot' does not pick up changes to 'scala.version' properly, however.
0.5.2 to 0.5.4¶
- Many logging related changes and fixes. Added FilterLogger and cleaned up interaction between Logger, scripted testing, and the builder projects. This included removing the recordingDepth hack from Logger. Logger buffering is now enabled/disabled per thread.
- Fix compileOptions being fixed after the first compile
- Minor fixes to output directory checking
- Added defaultLoggingLevel method for setting the initial level of a project's Logger
- Cleaned up internal approach to adding extra default configurations like plugin
- Added syncPathsTask for synchronizing paths to a target directory
- Allow multiple instances of Jetty (new jettyRunTasks can be defined with different ports)
- jettyRunTask accepts configuration in a single configuration wrapper object instead of many parameters
- Fix web application class loading (issue #35) by using jettyClasspath=testClasspath---jettyRunClasspath for loading Jetty. A better way would be to have a jetty configuration and have jettyClasspath=managedClasspath('jetty'), but this maintains compatibility.
- Copy resources to target/resources and target/test-resources using copyResources and copyTestResources tasks. Properly include all resources in web applications and classpaths (issue #36). mainResources and testResources are now the definitive methods for getting resources.
- Updated for 2.8 (sbt now compiles against September 11, 2009 nightly build of Scala)
- Fixed issue with position of ^ in compile errors
- Changed order of repositories (local, shared, Maven Central, user, Scala Tools)
- Added Maven Central to resolvers used to find Scala library/compiler in launcher
- Fixed problem that prevented detecting user-specified subclasses
- Fixed exit code returned when exception thrown in main thread for TrapExit
- Added javap task to DefaultProject. It has tab completion on compiled project classes and the run classpath is passed to javap so that library classes are available. Examples: scala > javap your.Clazz > javap -c scala.List
- Added exec task. Mixin Exec to project definition to use. This forks the command following exec. Examples: scala > exec echo Hi > exec find src/main/scala -iname *.scala -exec wc -l {} ;
- Added sh task for users with a unix-style shell available (runs /bin/sh -c <arguments>). Mixin Exec to project definition to use. Example: scala > sh find src/main/scala -iname *.scala | xargs cat | wc -l
- Proper dependency graph actions (previously was an unsupported prototype): graph-src and graph-pkg for source dependency graph and quasi-package dependency graph (based on source directories and source dependencies)
- Improved Ivy-related code to not load unnecessary default settings
- Fixed issue #39 (sources were not relative in src package)
- Implemented issue #38 (InstallProject with 'install' task)
- Vesa's patch for configuring the output of forked Scala/Java and processes
- Don't buffer logging of forked run by default
- Check Project.terminateWatch to determine if triggered execution should stop for a given keypress.
- Terminate triggered execution only on 'enter' by default (previously, any keypress stopped it)
- Fixed issue #41 (parent project should not declare jar artifact)
- Fixed issue #42 (search parent directories for ivysettings.xml)
- Added support for extra attributes with Ivy. Use extra(key -> value) on ModuleIDs and Artifacts. To define for a project's ID: scala override def projectID = super.projectID extra(key -> value) To specify in a dependency: scala val dep = normalID extra(key -> value)
0.5.1 to 0.5.2¶
- Fixed problem where dependencies of sbt plugins were not on the compile classpath
- Added execTask that runs an sbt.ProcessBuilder when invoked
- Added implicit conversion from scala.xml.Elem to sbt.ProcessBuilder that takes the element's text content, trims it, and splits it around whitespace to obtain the command.
- Processes can now redirect standard input (see run with Boolean argument or !< operator on ProcessBuilder), off by default
- Made scripted framework a plugin and scripted tests now go in src/sbt-test by default
- Can define and use an sbt test framework extension in a project
- Fixed run action swallowing exceptions
- Fixed tab completion for method tasks for multi-project builds
- Check that tasks in compoundTask do not reference static tasks
- Make toString of Paths in subprojects relative to root project directory
- crossScalaVersions is now inherited from parent if not specified
- Added scala-library.jar to the javac classpath
- Project dependencies are added to published ivy.xml
- Added dependency tracking for Java sources using classfile parsing (with the usual limitations)
- Added that will send contents of URLs and Files to standard output. Alternatively, cat can be used on a single URL or File. Example: scala import import val spde = new URL("") val dispatch = new URL("") val build = new File("project/") cat(spde, dispatch, build) #| "grep -i scala" !
0.4.6 to 0.5/0.5.1¶
- Fixed ScalaTest framework dropping stack traces
- Publish only public configurations by default
- Loader now adds .m2/repository for downloading Scala jars
- Can now fork the compiler and runner and the runner can use a different working directory.
- Maximum compiler errors shown is now configurable
- Fixed rebuilding and republishing released versions of sbt against new Scala versions (attempt #2)
- Fixed snapshot reversion handling (Ivy needs changing pattern set on cache, apparently)
- Fixed handling of default configuration when useMavenConfiguration is true
- Cleanup on Environment, Analysis, Conditional, MapUtilities, and more...
- Tests for Environment, source dependencies, library dependency management, and more...
- Dependency management and multiple Scala versions
- Experimental plugin for producing project bootstrapper in a self-extracting jar
- Added ability to directly specify URL to use for dependency with the from(url: URL) method defined on ModuleID
- Fixed issue #30
- Support cross-building with + when running batch actions
- Additional flattening for project definitions: sources can go either in project/build/src (recursively) or project/build (flat)
- Fixed manual reboot not changing the version of Scala when it is manually set
- Fixed tab completion for cross-building
- Fixed a class loading issue with web applications
0.4.5 to 0.4.6¶
- Publishing to ssh/sftp/filesystem repository supported
- Exception traces are printed by default
- Fixed warning message about no Class-Path attribute from showing up for run
- Fixed package-project operation
- Fixed Path.fromFile
- Fixed issue with external process output being lost when sent to a BufferedLogger with parallelExecution enabled.
- Preserve history across clean
- Fixed issue with making relative path in jar with wrong separator
- Added cross-build functionality (prefix action with +).
- Added methods scalaLibraryJar and scalaCompilerJar to FileUtilities
- Include project dependencies for deliver/publish
- Add Scala dependencies for make-pom/deliver/publish, which requires these to depend on package
- Properly add compiler jar to run/test classpaths when main sources depend on it
- TestFramework root ClassLoader filters compiler classes used by sbt, which is required for projects using the compiler.
- Better access to dependencies:
- mainDependencies and testDependencies provide an analysis of the dependencies of your code as determined during compilation
- scalaJars is deprecated, use mainDependencies.scalaJars instead (provides a PathFinder, which is generally more useful)
- Added jettyPort method to DefaultWebProject.
- Fixed package-project to exclude project/boot and project/build/target
- Support specs 1.5.0 for Scala 2.7.4 version.
- Parallelization at the subtask level
- Parallel test execution at the suite/specification level.
0.4.3 to 0.4.5¶
- Sorted out repository situation in loader
- Added support for http_proxy environment variable
- Added download method from Nathan to FileUtilities to retrieve the contents of a URL.
- Added special support for compiler plugins, see CompilerPlugins page.
- reload command in scripted tests will now properly handle success/failure
- Very basic support for Java sources: Java sources under src/main/java and src/test/java will be compiled.
- parallelExecution defaults to value in parent project if there is one.
- Added 'console-project' that enters the Scala interpreter with the current Project bound to the variable project.
- The default Ivy cache manager is now configured with useOrigin=true so that it doesn't cache artifacts from the local filesystem.
- For users building from trunk, if a project specifies a version of sbt that ends in -SNAPSHOT, the loader will update sbt every time it starts up. The trunk version of sbt will always end in -SNAPSHOT now.
- Added automatic detection of classes with main methods for use when mainClass is not explicitly specified in the project definition. If exactly one main class is detected, it is used for run and package. If multiple main classes are detected, the user is prompted for which one to use for run. For package, no Main-Class attribute is automatically added and a warning is printed.
- Updated build to cross-compile against Scala 2.7.4.
- Fixed proguard task in sbt's project definition
- Added manifestClassPath method that accepts the value for the Class-Path attribute
- Added PackageOption called ManifestAttributes that accepts (java.util.jar.Attributes.Name, String) or (String, String) pairs and adds them to the main manifest attributes
- Fixed some situations where characters would not be echoed at prompts other than main prompt.
- Fixed issue #20 (use http_proxy environment variable)
- Implemented issue #21 (native process wrapper)
- Fixed issue #22 (rebuilding and republishing released versions of sbt against new Scala versions, specifically Scala 2.7.4)
- Implemented issue #23 (inherit inline repositories declared in parent project)
0.4 to 0.4.3¶
- Direct dependencies on Scala libraries are checked for version equality with scala.version
- Transitive dependencies on scala-library and scala-compiler are filtered
- They are fixed by scala.version and provided on the classpath by sbt
- To access them, use the scalaJars method, classOf[ScalaObject].getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource, or mainCompileConditional.analysis.allExternals
- The configurations checked/filtered as described above are configurable. Nonstandard configurations are not checked by default.
- Version of sbt and Scala printed on startup
- Launcher asks if you want to try a different version if sbt or Scala could not be retrieved.
- After changing scala.version or sbt.version with set, note is printed that reboot is required.
- Moved managed dependency actions to BasicManagedProject (update is now available on ParentProject)
- Cleaned up sbt's build so that you just need to do update and full-build to build from source. The trunk version of sbt will be available for use from the loader.
- The loader is now a subproject.
- For development, you'll still want the usual actions (such as package) for the main builder and proguard to build the loader.
- Fixed analysis plugin improperly including traits/abstract classes in subclass search
- ScalaProjects already had everything required to be parent projects: flipped the switch to enable it
- Proper method task support in scripted tests (package group tests rightly pass again)
- Improved tests in loader that check that all necessary libraries were downloaded properly
0.3.7 to 0.4¶
- Fixed issue with being unnecessarily updated in sub-projects when loading.
- Added method to compute the SHA-1 hash of a String
- Added pack200 methods
- Added initial process interface
- Added initial webstart support
- Added gzip methods
- Added sleep and newer commands to scripted testing.
- Scripted tests now test the version of sbt being built instead of the version doing the building.
- testResources is put on the test classpath instead of testResourcesPath
- Added jetty-restart, which does jetty-stop and then jetty-run
- Added automatic reloading of default web application
- Changed packaging behaviors (still likely to change)
- Inline configurations now allowed (can be used with configurations in inline XML)
- Split out some code related to managed dependencies from BasicScalaProject to new class BasicManagedProject
- Can specify that maven-like configurations should be automatically declared
- Fixed problem with nested modules being detected as tests
- testResources, integrationTestResources, and mainResources should now be added to appropriate classpaths
- Added project organization as a property that defaults to inheriting from the parent project.
- Project creation now prompts for the organization.
- Added method tasks, which are top-level actions with parameters.
- Made help, actions, and methods commands available to batch-style invocation.
- Applied Mikko's two fixes for webstart and fixed problem with pack200+sign. Also, fixed nonstandard behavior when gzip enabled.
- Added control method to Logger for action lifecycle logging
- Made standard logging level convenience methods final
- Made BufferedLogger have a per-actor buffer instead of a global buffer
- Added a SynchronizedLogger and a MultiLogger (intended to be used with the yet unwritten FileLogger)
- Changed method of atomic logging to be a method logAll accepting List[LogEvent] instead of doSynchronized
- Improved action lifecycle logging
- Parallel logging now provides immediate feedback about starting an action
- General cleanup, including removing unused classes and methods and reducing dependencies between classes
- run is now a method task that accepts options to pass to the main method (runOptions has been removed, runTask is no longer interactive, and run no longer starts a console if mainClass is undefined)
- Major task execution changes:
- Tasks automatically have implicit dependencies on tasks with the same name in dependent projects
- Implicit dependencies on interactive tasks are ignored, explicit dependencies produce an error
- Interactive tasks must be executed directly on the project on which they are defined
- Method tasks accept input arguments (Array[String]) and dynamically create the task to run
- Tasks can depend on tasks in other projects
- Tasks are run in parallel breadth-first style
- Added test-only method task, which restricts the tests to run to only those passed as arguments.
- Added test-failed method task, which restricts the tests to run. First, only tests passed as arguments are run. If no tests are passed, no filtering is done. Then, only tests that failed the previous run are run.
- Added test-quick method task, which restricts the tests to run. First, only tests passed as arguments are run. If no tests are passed, no filtering is done. Then, only tests that failed the previous run or had a dependency change are run.
- Added launcher that allows declaring version of sbt/scala to build project with.
- Added tab completion with ~
- Added basic tab completion for method tasks, including test-*
- Changed default pack options to be the default options of Pack200.Packer
- Fixed ~ behavior when action doesn't exist
0.3.6 to 0.3.7¶
- Improved classpath methods
- Refactored various features into separate project traits
- ParentProject can now specify dependencies
- Support for optional scope
- More API documentation
- Test resource paths provided on classpath for testing
- Added some missing read methods in FileUtilities
- Added scripted test framework
- Change detection using hashes of files
- Fixed problem with manifests not being generated (bug #14)
- Fixed issue with scala-tools repository not being included by default (again)
- Added option to set ivy cache location (mainly for testing)
- trace is no longer a logging level but a flag enabling/disabling stack traces
- Project.loadProject and related methods now accept a Logger to use
- Made hidden files and files that start with '.' excluded by default ('.*' is required because subversion seems to not mark .svn directories hidden on Windows)
- Implemented exit codes
- Added continuous compilation command cc
0.3.5 to 0.3.6¶
- Fixed bug #12.
- Compiled with 2.7.2.
0.3.2 to 0.3.5¶
- Fixed bug #11.
- Fixed problem with dependencies where source jars would be used instead of binary jars.
- Fixed scala-tools not being used by default for inline configurations.
- Small dependency management error message correction
- Slight refactoring for specifying whether scala-tools releases gets added to configured resolvers
- Separated repository/dependency overriding so that repositories can be specified inline for use with ivy.xml or pom.xml files
- Added ability to specify Ivy XML configuration in Scala.
- Added clean-cache action for deleting Ivy's cache
- Some initial work towards accessing a resource directory from tests
- Initial tests for Path
- Some additional FileUtilities methods, some FileUtilities method adjustments and some initial tests for FileUtilities
- A basic framework for testing ReflectUtilities, not run by default because of run time
- Minor cleanup to Path and added non-empty check to path components
- Catch additional exceptions in TestFramework
- Added copyTask task creation method.
- Added jetty-run action and added ability to package war files.
- Added jetty-stop action.
- Added console-quick action that is the same as console but doesn't compile sources first.
- Moved some custom ClassLoaders to ClasspathUtilities and improved a check.
- Added ability to specify hooks to call before sbt shuts down.
- Added zip, unzip methods to FileUtilities
- Added append equivalents to write* methods in FileUtilites
- Added first draft of integration testing
- Added batch command compile-stats
- Added methods to create tasks that have basic conditional execution based on declared sources/products of the task
- Added newerThan and olderThan methods to Path
- Added reload action to reread the project definition without losing the performance benefits of an already running jvm
- Added help action to tab completion
- Added handling of (effectively empty) scala source files that create no class files: they are always interpreted as modified.
- Added prompt to retry project loading if compilation fails
- package action now uses fileTask so that it only executes if files are out of date
- fixed ScalaTest framework wrapper so that it fails the test action if tests fail
- Inline dependencies can now specify configurations
0.3.1 to 0.3.2¶
- Compiled jar with Java 1.5.
0.3 to 0.3.1¶
- Fixed bugs #8, #9, and #10.
0.2.3 to 0.3¶
- Version change only for first release.
0.2.2 to 0.2.3¶
- Added tests for Dag, NameFilter, Version
- Fixed handling of trailing *s in GlobFilter and added some error-checking for control characters, which Pattern doesn't seem to like
- Fixed Analysis.allProducts implementation
- It previously returned the sources instead of the generated classes
- Will only affect the count of classes (it should be correct now) and the debugging of missed classes (erroneously listed classes as missed)
- Made some implied preconditions on BasicVersion and OpaqueVersion explicit
- Made increment version behavior in ScalaProject easier to overload
- Added Seq[..Option] alternative to ...Option* for tasks
- Documentation generation fixed to use latest value of version
- Fixed BasicVersion.incrementMicro
- Fixed test class loading so that sbt can test the version of sbt being developed (previously, the classes from the executing version of sbt were tested)
0.2.1 to 0.2.2¶
- Package name is now a call-by-name parameter for the package action
- Fixed release action calling compile multiple times
0.2.0 to 0.2.1¶
- Added some action descriptions
- jar name now comes from normalized name (lowercased and spaces to dashes)
- Some cleanups related to creating filters
- Path should only 'get' itself if the underlying file exists to be consistent with other PathFinders
- Added --- operator for PathFinder that excludes paths from the PathFinder argument
- Removed *** operator on PathFinder
- ** operator on PathFinder matches all descendents or self that match the NameFilter argument
- The above should fix bug #6
- Added version increment and release actions.
- Can now build sbt with sbt. Build scripts build and clean will still exist.
0.1.9 to 0.2.0¶
- Implemented typed properties and access to system properties
- Renamed metadata directory to project
- Information previously in info file now obtained by properties:
- --> name
- info.currentVersion --> version
- Concrete Project subclasses should have a constructor that accepts a single argument of type ProjectInfo (argument dependencies: Iterable[Project] has been merged into ProjectInfo)
0.1.8 to 0.1.9¶
- Better default implementation of allSources.
- Generate warning if two jars on classpath have the same name.
- Upgraded to specs 1.4.0
- Upgraded to ScalaCheck 1.5
- Changed some update options to be final vals instead of objects.
- Added some more API documentation.
- Removed release action.
- Split compilation into separate main and test compilations.
- A failure in a ScalaTest run now fails the test action.
- Implemented reporters for compile/scaladoc, ScalaTest, ScalaCheck, and specs that delegate to the appropriate sbt.Logger.
0.1.7 to 0.1.8¶
- Improved configuring of tests to exclude.
- Simplified version handling.
- Task && operator properly handles dependencies of tasks it combines.
- Changed method of inline library dependency declarations to be simpler.
- Better handling of errors in parallel execution.
0.1.6 to 0.1.7¶
- Added graph action to generate dot files (for graphiz) from dependency information (work in progress).
- Options are now passed to tasks as varargs.
- Redesigned Path properly, including PathFinder returning a Set[Path] now instead of Iterable[Path].
- Moved paths out of ScalaProject and into BasicProjectPaths to keep path definitions separate from task definitions.
- Added initial support for managing third-party libraries through the update task, which must be explicitly called (it is not a dependency of compile or any other task). This is experimental, undocumented, and known to be incomplete.
- Parallel execution implementation at the project level, disabled by default. To enable, add: scala override def parallelExecution = true to your project definition. In order for logging to make sense, all project logging is buffered until the project is finished executing. Still to be done is some sort of notification of project execution (which ones are currently executing, how many remain)
- run and console are now specified as "interactive" actions, which means they are only executed on the project in which they are defined when called directly, and not on all dependencies. Their dependencies are still run on dependent projects.
- Generalized conditional tasks a bit. Of note is that analysis is no longer required to be in metadata/analysis, but is now in target/analysis by default.
- Message now displayed when project definition is recompiled on startup
- Project no longer inherits from Logger, but now has a log member.
- Dependencies passed to project are checked for null (may help with errors related to initialization/circular dependencies)
- Task dependencies are checked for null
- Projects in a multi-project configuration are checked to ensure that output paths are different (check can be disabled)
- Made update task globally synchronized because Ivy is not thread-safe.
- Generalized test framework, directly invoking frameworks now (used reflection before).
- Moved license files to licenses/
- Added support for specs and some support for ScalaTest (the test action doesn't fail if ScalaTest tests fail).
- Added specs, ScalaCheck, ScalaTest jars to lib/
- These are now required for compilation, but are optional at runtime.
- Added the appropriate licenses and notices.
- Options for update action are now taken from updateOptions member.
- Fixed SbtManager inline dependency manager to work properly.
- Improved Ivy configuration handling (not compiled with test dependencies yet though).
- Added case class implementation of SbtManager called SimpleManager.
- Project definitions not specifying dependencies can now use just a single argument constructor.
0.1.5 to 0.1.6¶
- run and console handle System.exit and multiple threads in user code under certain circumstances (see RunningProjectCode).
0.1.4 to 0.1.5¶
- Generalized interface with plugin (see AnalysisCallback)
- Split out task implementations and paths from Project to ScalaProject
- Subproject support (changed required project constructor signature: see sbt/DefaultProject.scala)
- Can specify dependencies between projects
- Execute tasks across multiple projects
- Classpath of all dependencies included when compiling
- Proper inter-project source dependency handling
- Can change to a project in an interactive session to work only on that project (and its dependencies)
- External dependency handling
- Tracks non-source dependencies (compiled classes and jars)
- Requires each class to be provided by exactly one classpath element (This means you cannot have two versions of the same class on the classpath, e.g. from two versions of a library)
- Changes in a project propagate the right source recompilations in dependent projects
- Consequences:
- Recompilation when changing java/scala version
- Recompilation when upgrading libraries (again, as indicated in the second point, situations where you have library-1.0.jar and library-2.0.jar on the classpath at the same time are not handled predictably. Replacing library-1.0.jar with library-2.0.jar should work as expected.)
- Changing sbt version will recompile project definitions
0.1.3 to 0.1.4¶
- Autodetection of Project definitions.
- Simple tab completion/history in an interactive session with JLine
- Added descriptions for most actions
0.1.2 to 0.1.3¶
- Dependency management between tasks and auto-discovery tasks.
- Should work on Windows.
0.1.1 to 0.1.2¶
- Should compile/build on Java 1.5
- Fixed run action implementation to include scala library on classpath
- Made project configuration easier
0.1 to 0.1.1¶
- Fixed handling of source files without a package
- Added easy project setup
- Changes
- 0.12.3 to 0.12.4
- 0.12.2 to 0.12.3
- 0.12.1 to 0.12.2
- 0.12.0 to 0.12.1
- 0.11.3 to 0.12.0
- 0.11.2 to 0.11.3
- 0.11.1 to 0.11.2
- 0.11.0 to 0.11.1
- 0.10.1 to 0.11.0
- 0.10.0 to 0.10.1
- 0.7.7 to 0.10.0
- 0.7.5 to 0.7.7
- 0.7.4 to 0.7.5
- 0.7.3 to 0.7.4
- 0.7.2 to 0.7.3
- 0.7.1 to 0.7.2
- 0.7.0 to 0.7.1
- 0.5.6 to 0.7.0
- 0.5.5 to 0.5.6
- 0.5.4 to 0.5.5
- 0.5.2 to 0.5.4
- 0.5.1 to 0.5.2
- 0.4.6 to 0.5/0.5.1
- 0.4.5 to 0.4.6
- 0.4.3 to 0.4.5
- 0.4 to 0.4.3
- 0.3.7 to 0.4
- 0.3.6 to 0.3.7
- 0.3.5 to 0.3.6
- 0.3.2 to 0.3.5
- 0.3.1 to 0.3.2
- 0.3 to 0.3.1
- 0.2.3 to 0.3
- 0.2.2 to 0.2.3
- 0.2.1 to 0.2.2
- 0.2.0 to 0.2.1
- 0.1.9 to 0.2.0
- 0.1.8 to 0.1.9
- 0.1.7 to 0.1.8
- 0.1.6 to 0.1.7
- 0.1.5 to 0.1.6
- 0.1.4 to 0.1.5
- 0.1.3 to 0.1.4
- 0.1.2 to 0.1.3
- 0.1.1 to 0.1.2
- 0.1 to 0.1.1