State and actions

State and actions

State is the entry point to all available information in sbt. The key methods are:

  • definedCommands: Seq[Command] returns all registered Command definitions
  • remainingCommands: Seq[String] returns the remaining commands to be run
  • attributes: AttributeMap contains generic data.

The action part of a command performs work and transforms State. The following sections discuss State => State transformations. As mentioned previously, a command will typically handle a parsed value as well: (State, T) => State.

Project data

All project data is stored in, which is of type sbt.Settings[Scope]. Typically, one gets information of type T in the following way:

val key: SettingKey[T]
val scope: Scope
val value: Option[T] = key in scope get

Here, a SettingKey[T] is typically obtained from Keys and is the same type that is used to define settings in .sbt files, for example. Scope selects the scope the key is obtained for. There are convenience overloads of in that can be used to specify only the required scope axes. See Structure.scala for where in and other parts of the settings interface are defined. Some examples:

import Keys._
val extracted: Extracted
import extracted._

// get name of current project
val nameOpt: Option[String] = name in currentRef get

// get the package options for the `test:package-src` task or Nil if none are defined
val pkgOpts: Seq[PackageOption] = packageOptions in (currentRef, Test, packageSrc) get getOrElse Nil

BuildStructure contains information about build and project relationships. Key members are:

units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit]
root: URI

A URI identifies a build and root identifies the initial build loaded. LoadedBuildUnit provides information about a single build. The key members of LoadedBuildUnit are:

// Defines the base directory for the build
localBase: File

// maps the project ID to the Project definition
defined: Map[String, ResolvedProject]

ResolvedProject has the same information as the Project used in a project/Build.scala except that ProjectReferences are resolved to ProjectRefs.


Classpaths in sbt 0.10+ are of type Seq[Attributed[File]]. This allows tagging arbitrary information to classpath entries. sbt currently uses this to associate an Analysis with an entry. This is how it manages the information needed for multi-project incremental recompilation. It also associates the ModuleID and Artifact with managed entries (those obtained by dependency management). When you only want the underlying Seq[File], use files:

val attributedClasspath: Seq[Attribute[File]] = ...
val classpath: Seq[File] = attributedClasspath.files

Running tasks

It can be useful to run a specific project task from a command (not from another task) and get its result. For example, an IDE-related command might want to get the classpath from a project or a task might analyze the results of a compilation. The relevant method is Project.evaluateTask, which has the following signature:

def evaluateTask[T](taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]], state: State,
  checkCycles: Boolean = false, maxWorkers: Int = ...): Option[Result[T]]

For example,

val eval: State => State = (state: State) => {

    // This selects the main 'compile' task for the current project.
    //   The value produced by 'compile' is of type inc.Analysis,
    //   which contains information about the compiled code.
    val taskKey = Keys.compile in Compile

    // Evaluate the task
    // None if the key is not defined
    // Some(Inc) if the task does not complete successfully (Inc for incomplete)
    // Some(Value(v)) with the resulting value
    val result: Option[Result[inc.Analysis]] = Project.evaluateTask(taskKey, state)
    // handle the result
    result match
        case None => // Key wasn't defined.
        case Some(Inc(inc)) => // error detail, inc is of type Incomplete, use to get an error message
        case Some(Value(v)) => // do something with v: inc.Analysis

For getting the test classpath of a specific project, use this key:

val projectRef: ProjectRef = ...
val taskKey: Task[Seq[Attributed[File]]] =
  Keys.fullClasspath in (projectRef, Test)

Using State in a task

To access the current State from a task, use state task as an input. For example,

myTask <<= state map { (s: State) => ... }