More Kinds of Setting¶
This page explains other ways to create a Setting, beyond the basic := method. It assumes you've read .sbt build definition and scopes.
Refresher: Settings¶
Remember, a build definition creates a list of Setting, which is then used to transform sbt's description of the build (which is a map of key-value pairs). A Setting is a transformation with sbt's earlier map as input and a new map as output. The new map becomes sbt's new state.
Different settings transform the map in different ways. Earlier, you read about the := method.
The Setting which := creates puts a fixed, constant value in the new, transformed map. For example, if you transform a map with the setting name := "hello" the new map has the string "hello" stored under the key name.
Settings must end up in the master list of settings to do any good (all lines in a build.sbt automatically end up in the list, but in a .scala file you can get it wrong by creating a Setting without putting it where sbt will find it).
Appending to previous values: += and ++=¶
Replacement with := is the simplest transformation, but keys have other methods as well. If the T in SettingKey[T] is a sequence, i.e. the key's value type is a sequence, you can append to the sequence rather than replacing it.
- += will append a single element to the sequence.
- ++= will concatenate another sequence.
For example, the key sourceDirectories in Compile has a Seq[File] as its value. By default this key's value would include src/main/scala. If you wanted to also compile source code in a directory called source (since you just have to be nonstandard), you could add that directory:
sourceDirectories in Compile += new File("source")
Or, using the file() function from the sbt package for convenience:
sourceDirectories in Compile += file("source")
(file() just creates a new File.)
You could use ++= to add more than one directory at a time:
sourceDirectories in Compile ++= Seq(file("sources1"), file("sources2"))
Where Seq(a, b, c, ...) is standard Scala syntax to construct a sequence.
To replace the default source directories entirely, you use := of course:
sourceDirectories in Compile := Seq(file("sources1"), file("sources2"))
Transforming a value: ~=¶
What happens if you want to prepend to sourceDirectories in Compile, or filter out one of the default directories?
You can create a Setting that depends on the previous value of a key.
- ~= applies a function to the setting's previous value, producing a new value of the same type.
To modify sourceDirectories in Compile, you could use ~= as follows:
// filter out src/main/scala
sourceDirectories in Compile ~= { srcDirs => srcDirs filter(!_.getAbsolutePath.endsWith("src/main/scala")) }
Here, srcDirs is a parameter to an anonymous function, and the old value of sourceDirectories in Compile gets passed in to the anonymous function. The result of this function becomes the new value of sourceDirectories in Compile.
Or a simpler example:
// make the project name upper case
name ~= { _.toUpperCase }
The function you pass to the ~= method will always have type T => T, if the key has type SettingKey[T] or TaskKey[T]. The function transforms the key's value into another value of the same type.
Computing a value based on other keys' values: <<=¶
~= defines a new value in terms of a key's previously-associated value. But what if you want to define a value in terms of other keys' values?
- <<= lets you compute a new value using the value(s) of arbitrary other keys.
<<= has one argument, of type Initialize[T]. An Initialize[T] instance is a computation which takes the values associated with a set of keys as input, and returns a value of type T based on those other values. It initializes a value of type T.
Given an Initialize[T], <<= returns a Setting[T], of course (just like :=, +=, ~=, etc.).
Trivial Initialize[T]: depending on one other key with <<=¶
All keys extend the Initialize trait already. So the simplest Initialize is just a key:
// useless but valid
name <<= name
When treated as an Initialize[T], a SettingKey[T] computes its current value. So name <<= name sets the value of name to the value that name already had.
It gets a little more useful if you set a key to a different key. The keys must have identical value types, though.
// name our organization after our project (both are SettingKey[String])
organization <<= name
(Note: this is how you alias one key to another.)
If the value types are not identical, you'll need to convert from Initialize[T] to another type, like Initialize[S]. This is done with the apply method on Initialize, like this:
// name is a Key[String], baseDirectory is a Key[File]
// name the project after the directory it's inside
name <<= baseDirectory.apply(_.getName)
apply is special in Scala and means you can invoke the object with function syntax; so you could also write this:
name <<= baseDirectory(_.getName)
That transforms the value of baseDirectory using the function _.getName, where the function _.getName takes a File and returns a String. getName is a method on the standard object.
Settings with dependencies¶
In the setting name <<= baseDirectory(_.getName), name will have a dependency on baseDirectory. If you place the above in build.sbt and run the sbt interactive console, then type inspect name, you should see (in part):
[info] Dependencies:
[info] *:base-directory
This is how sbt knows which settings depend on which other settings. Remember that some settings describe tasks, so this approach also creates dependencies between tasks.
For example, if you inspect compile you'll see it depends on another key compile-inputs, and if you inspect compile-inputs it in turn depends on other keys. Keep following the dependency chains and magic happens. When you type compile sbt automatically performs an update, for example. It Just Works because the values required as inputs to the compile computation require sbt to do the update computation first.
In this way, all build dependencies in sbt are automatic rather than explicitly declared. If you use a key's value in another computation, then the computation depends on that key. It just works!
Complex Initialize[T]: depending on multiple keys with <<=¶
To support dependencies on multiple other keys, sbt adds apply and identity methods to tuples of Initialize objects. In Scala, you write a tuple like (1, "a") (that one has type (Int, String)).
So say you have a tuple of three Initialize objects; its type would be (Initialize[A], Initialize[B], Initialize[C]). The Initialize objects could be keys, since all SettingKey[T] are also instances of Initialize[T].
Here's a simple example, in this case all three keys are strings:
// a tuple of three SettingKey[String], also a tuple of three Initialize[String]
(name, organization, version)
The apply method on a tuple of Initialize takes a function as its argument. Using each Initialize in the tuple, sbt computes a corresponding value (the current value of the key). These values are passed in to the function. The function then returns one value, which is wrapped up in a new Initialize. If you wrote it out with explicit types (Scala does not require this), it would look like:
val tuple: (Initialize[String], Initialize[String], Initialize[String]) = (name, organization, version)
val combined: Initialize[String] = tuple.apply({ (n, o, v) =>
"project " + n + " from " + o + " version " + v })
val setting: Setting[String] = name <<= combined
So each key is already an Initialize; but you can combine up to nine simple Initialize (such as keys) into one composite Initialize by placing them in tuples, and invoking the apply method.
The <<= method on SettingKey[T] is expecting an Initialize[T], so you can use this technique to create an Initialize[T] with multiple dependencies on arbitrary keys.
Because function syntax in Scala just calls the apply method, you could write the code like this, omitting the explicit .apply and just treating tuple as a function:
val tuple: (Initialize[String], Initialize[String], Initialize[String]) = (name, organization, version)
val combined: Initialize[String] = tuple({ (n, o, v) =>
"project " + n + " from " + o + " version " + v })
val setting: Setting[String] = name <<= combined
In a build.sbt, this code using intermediate val will not work, since you can only write single expressions in a .sbt file, not multiple statements.
You can use a more concise syntax in build.sbt, like this:
name <<= (name, organization, version) { (n, o, v) => "project " + n + " from " + o + " version " + v }
Here the tuple of Initialize (also a tuple of SettingKey) works as a function, taking the anonymous function delimited by {} as its argument, and returning an Initialize[T] where T is the result type of the anonymous function.
Tuples of Initialize have one other method, identity, which simply returns an Initialize with a tuple value. (a: Initialize[A], b: Initialize[B]).identity would result in a value of type Initialize[(A, B)]. identity combines two Initialize into one, without losing or modifying any of the values.
When settings are undefined¶
Whenever a setting uses ~= or <<= to create a dependency on itself or another key's value, the value it depends on must exist. If it does not, sbt will complain. It might say "Reference to undefined setting", for example. When this happens, be sure you're using the key in the scope that defines it.
It's possible to create cycles, which is an error; sbt will tell you if you do this.
Tasks with dependencies¶
As noted in .sbt build definition, task keys create a Setting[Task[T]] rather than a Setting[T] when you build a setting with :=, <<=, etc. Similarly, task keys are instances of Initialize[Task[T]] rather than Initialize[T], and <<= on a task key takes an Initialize[Task[T]] parameter.
The practical importance of this is that you can't have tasks as dependencies for a non-task setting.
Take these two keys (from Keys):
val scalacOptions = TaskKey[Seq[String]]("scalac-options", "Options for the Scala compiler.")
val checksums = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("checksums", "The list of checksums to generate and to verify for dependencies.")
(scalacOptions and checksums have nothing to do with each other, they are just two keys with the same value type, where one is a task.)
You cannot compile a build.sbt that tries to alias one of these to the other like this:
scalacOptions <<= checksums
checksums <<= scalacOptions
The issue is that scalacOptions.<<= expects an Initialize[Task[Seq[String]]] and checksums.<<= expects an Initialize[Seq[String]]. There is, however, a way to convert an Initialize[T] to an Initialize[Task[T]], called map:
scalacOptions <<= checksums map identity
(identity is a standard Scala function that returns its input as its result.)
There is no way to go the other direction, that is, a setting key can't depend on a task key. That's because a setting key is only computed once on project load, so the task would not be re-run every time, and tasks expect to re-run every time.
A task can depend on both settings and other tasks, though, just use map rather than apply to build an Initialize[Task[T]] rather than an Initialize[T]. Remember the usage of apply with a non-task setting looks like this:
name <<= (name, organization, version) { (n, o, v) => "project " + n + " from " + o + " version " + v }
((name, organization, version) has an apply method and is thus a function, taking the anonymous function in {} braces as a parameter.)
To create an Initialize[Task[T]] you need a map in there rather than apply:
// this WON'T compile because name (on the left of <<=) is not a task and we used map
name <<= (name, organization, version) map { (n, o, v) => "project " + n + " from " + o + " version " + v }
// this WILL compile because packageBin is a task and we used map
packageBin in Compile <<= (name, organization, version) map { (n, o, v) => file(o + "-" + n + "-" + v + ".jar") }
// this WILL compile because name is not a task and we used apply
name <<= (name, organization, version) { (n, o, v) => "project " + n + " from " + o + " version " + v }
// this WON'T compile because packageBin is a task and we used apply
packageBin in Compile <<= (name, organization, version) { (n, o, v) => file(o + "-" + n + "-" + v + ".jar") }
Bottom line: when converting a tuple of keys into an Initialize[Task[T]], use map; when converting a tuple of keys into an Initialize[T] use apply; and you need the Initialize[Task[T]] if the key on the left side of <<= is a TaskKey[T] rather than a SettingKey[T].
Remember, aliases use <<= not :=¶
If you want one key to be an alias for another, you might be tempted to use := to create the following nonsense alias:
// doesn't work, and not useful
packageBin in Compile := packageDoc in Compile
The problem is that :='s argument must be a value (or for tasks, a function returning a value). For packageBin which is a TaskKey[File], it must be a File or a function => File. packageDoc is not a File, it's a key.
The proper way to do this is with <<=, which takes a key (really an Initialize, but keys are instances of Initialize):
// works, still not useful
packageBin in Compile <<= packageDoc in Compile
Here, <<= expects an Initialize[Task[File]], which is a computation that will return a file later, when sbt runs the task. Which is what you want: you want to alias a task by making it run another task, not by setting it one time when sbt loads the project.
(By the way: the in Compile scope is needed to avoid "undefined" errors, because the packaging tasks like packageBin are per-configuration, not global.)
Appending with dependencies: <+= and <++=¶
There are a couple more methods for appending to lists, which combine += and ++= with <<=. That is, they let you compute a new list element or new list to concatenate, using dependencies on other keys in order to do so.
These methods work exactly like <<=, but for <++=, the function you write to convert the dependencies' values into a new value should create a Seq[T] instead of a T.
Unlike <<= of course, <+= and <++= will append to the previous value of the key on the left, rather than replacing it.
For example, say you have a coverage report named after the project, and you want to add it to the files removed by clean:
cleanFiles <+= (name) { n => file("coverage-report-" + n + ".txt") }
At this point you know how to get things done with settings, so we can move on to a specific key that comes up often: libraryDependencies. Learn about library dependencies.