Project metadata

Project metadata

A project should define name and version. These will be used in various parts of the build, such as the names of generated artifacts. Projects that are published to a repository should also override organization.

Set the project name

name := "Your project name"

For published projects, this name is normalized to be suitable for use as an artifact name and dependency ID. This normalized name is stored in normalizedName.

Set the project version

version := "1.0"

Set the project organization

By convention, this is a reverse domain name that you own, typically one specific to your project. It is used as a namespace for projects.

A full/formal name can be defined in the organizationName setting. This is used in the generated pom.xml. If the organization has a web site, it may be set in the organizationHomepage setting. For example:

organization := "Example, Inc."

organizationHomepage := "org.example"

Set the project's homepage and other metadata

homepage := Some(url(""))

startYear := Some(2008)

description := "A build tool for Scala."

licenses += "GPLv2" -> ""