
Esta página describe los scopes. Se asume que usted ha leído y comprendido la página previa, .sbt build definition.

La historia completa sobre las keys 

Previamente supusimos que una key como name correspondía a una entrada en el mapa de sbt de pares llave-valor (key-value). Esto fue una simplificación.

En verdad, cada llave puede tener un valor asociado en más de un contexto, llamado un “scope”.

Algunos ejemplos concretos:

No hay un único valor para una key dada, porque el valor puede variar de acuerdo con el scope.

Sin embargo, existe un único valor para una scoped key (llaves con un contexto).

Si usted se imagina que sbt está procesando una lista de settings para generar un mapa de llave-valor (key-value) que describe al proyecto, como se discutió anteriormente, las keys en dicho mapa son scoped keys. Cada setting definido en la definición de la construcción del proyecto (por ejemplo en build.sbt) aplica a una scoped key también.

Con frecuencia el scope es implícito o tiene un valor por default, pero si dichos valores son incorrectos, entonces tendrá que indicar el scope deseado en build.sbt.

Ejes del Scope 

Un eje del scope es un tipo, donde cada instancia del tipo puede definir su propio scope (esto es, cada instancia puede tener sus propios valores únicos para las keys).

Hay tres ejes del scope:

Scoping mediante del eje del proyecto 

Si usted coloca múltiples proyectos en una construcción única, cada proyecto necesita sus propios settings. Es decir, las keys pueden estar en scope de acuerdo al proyecto.

Los ejes del proyecto también pueden configurarse para la “entera construcción”, de modo que un setting aplique a la construcción completa más bien que a un solo proyecto. Los settings de nivel de construcción con frecuencia se usan como un plan de reserva cuando un proyecto no define un setting específico para un proyecto.

Scoping mendiante el eje de configuración 

Una configuración define el tipo de construcción, potencialmente con su propio classpath, código fuente, paquetes generados, etc. El concepto de configuración viene de Iviy, que sbt usa para managed dependencies, y para MavenScopes.

Algunas configuraciones que verá en sbt:

Por default, todas las llaves asociadas con la compilación, empaquetamiento y la ejecución tienen un scope de configuración y por lo tanto pueden funcionar de manera diferente en cada configuración. Los ejemplos más obvios son las keys para tasks compile, package, y run; pero todas las llaves que afectan dichas keys (tales como sourceDirectories o scalacOptions o fullClasspath) también tienen scope de configuración.

Scoping mediante el eje task 

Los settings pueden afectar cómo funcionan las tasks. Por ejemplo, la key de setting packageOptions afecta a la key packageSrc de task.

Para soportar esto, una key de task (tal como packageSrc) puede ser el scopde para otra key (tal como packageOptions).

Las diferentes tasks que construyen un paquete (packageSrc, packageBin, packageDoc) pueden compartir keys relacionadas al empaquetamiento, tales como artifactName y packageOptions. Dichas keys pueden tener distintos valores para cada task de empaquetamiento.

Scope global 

Cada eje de scope puede llenarse con una instancia del tipo de eje (por ejemplo el eje de task puede llevarse con una task), o el eje puede llenarse con el valor especial Global.

Global significa lo que usted espera: el valor del setting aplica a todas las instancias de ese eje. Por ejemplo, si el eje de la task es Global, entonces dicho setting aplicaría a todas las tasks.


A scoped key may be undefined, if it has no value associated with it in its scope.

For each scope, sbt has a fallback search path made up of other scopes. Typically, if a key has no associated value in a more-specific scope, sbt will try to get a value from a more general scope, such as the Global scope or the entire-build scope.

This feature allows you to set a value once in a more general scope, allowing multiple more-specific scopes to inherit the value.

You can see the fallback search path or “delegates” for a key using the inspect command, as described below. Read on.

Referring to scoped keys when running sbt 

On the command line and in interactive mode, sbt displays (and parses) scoped keys like this:


* can appear for each axis, referring to the Global scope.

If you omit part of the scoped key, it will be inferred as follows:

For more details, see Interacting with the Configuration System.

Examples of scoped key notation 

Inspecting scopes 

In sbt’s interactive mode, you can use the inspect command to understand keys and their scopes. Try inspect test:fullClasspath:

$ sbt
> inspect test:fullClasspath
[info] Task: scala.collection.Seq[sbt.Attributed[]]
[info] Description:
[info]  The exported classpath, consisting of build products and unmanaged and managed, internal and external dependencies.
[info] Provided by:
[info]  {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a/test:fullClasspath
[info] Dependencies:
[info]  test:exportedProducts
[info]  test:dependencyClasspath
[info] Reverse dependencies:
[info]  test:runMain
[info]  test:run
[info]  test:testLoader
[info]  test:console
[info] Delegates:
[info]  test:fullClasspath
[info]  runtime:fullClasspath
[info]  compile:fullClasspath
[info]  *:fullClasspath
[info]  {.}/test:fullClasspath
[info]  {.}/runtime:fullClasspath
[info]  {.}/compile:fullClasspath
[info]  {.}/*:fullClasspath
[info]  */test:fullClasspath
[info]  */runtime:fullClasspath
[info]  */compile:fullClasspath
[info]  */*:fullClasspath
[info] Related:
[info]  compile:fullClasspath
[info]  compile:fullClasspath(for doc)
[info]  test:fullClasspath(for doc)
[info]  runtime:fullClasspath

On the first line, you can see this is a task (as opposed to a setting, as explained in .sbt build definition). The value resulting from the task will have type scala.collection.Seq[sbt.Attributed[]].

“Provided by” points you to the scoped key that defines the value, in this case {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a/test:fullClasspath (which is the fullClasspath key scoped to the test configuration and the {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a project).

“Dependencies” may not make sense yet; stay tuned for the next page.

You can also see the delegates; if the value were not defined, sbt would search through:

Try inspect fullClasspath (as opposed to the above example, inspect test:fullClasspath) to get a sense of the difference. Because the configuration is omitted, it is autodetected as compile. inspect compile:fullClasspath should therefore look the same as inspect fullClasspath.

Try inspect *:fullClasspath for another contrast. fullClasspath is not defined in the Global configuration by default.

Again, for more details, see Interacting with the Configuration System.

Referring to scopes in a build definition 

If you create a setting in build.sbt with a bare key, it will be scoped to the current project, configuration Global and task Global:

name := "hello"

Run sbt and inspect name to see that it’s provided by {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a/*:name, that is, the project is {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a, the configuration is * (meaning global), and the task is not shown (which also means global).

build.sbt always defines settings for a single project, so the “current project” is the project you’re defining in that particular build.sbt. (For multi-project builds, each project has its own build.sbt.)

Keys have an overloaded method called in used to set the scope. The argument to in can be an instance of any of the scope axes. So for example, though there’s no real reason to do this, you could set the name scoped to the Compile configuration:

name in Compile := "hello"

or you could set the name scoped to the packageBin task (pointless! just an example):

name in packageBin := "hello"

or you could set the name with multiple scope axes, for example in the packageBin task in the Compile configuration:

name in (Compile, packageBin) := "hello"

or you could use Global for all axes:

name in Global := "hello"

(name in Global implicitly converts the scope axis Global to a scope with all axes set to Global; the task and configuration are already Global by default, so here the effect is to make the project Global, that is, define */*:name rather than {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a/*:name)

If you aren’t used to Scala, a reminder: it’s important to understand that in and := are just methods, not magic. Scala lets you write them in a nicer way, but you could also use the Java style:"hello")

There’s no reason to use this ugly syntax, but it illustrates that these are in fact methods.

When to specify a scope 

You need to specify the scope if the key in question is normally scoped. For example, the compile task, by default, is scoped to Compile and Test configurations, and does not exist outside of those scopes.

To change the value associated with the compile key, you need to write compile in Compile or compile in Test. Using plain compile would define a new compile task scoped to the current project, rather than overriding the standard compile tasks which are scoped to a configuration.

If you get an error like “Reference to undefined setting“, often you’ve failed to specify a scope, or you’ve specified the wrong scope. The key you’re using may be defined in some other scope. sbt will try to suggest what you meant as part of the error message; look for “Did you mean compile:compile?”

One way to think of it is that a name is only part of a key. In reality, all keys consist of both a name, and a scope (where the scope has three axes). The entire expression packageOptions in (Compile, packageBin) is a key name, in other words. Simply packageOptions is also a key name, but a different one (for keys with no in, a scope is implicitly assumed: current project, global config, global task).