The aim of Scala IDE is to provide a support for Scala development equivalent to the support provided by Eclipse for Java development.
The features overview screencast gives a quick tour of the new features is Scala IDE 3.0. The other videos are about the improved features and the Scala debugger.

The following pages provide a description of a list of selected features provided by Scala IDE:
- Typing and Viewing
- As You Type Error Reporting
- Code Completion updated
- Code Templates
- Auto Edits updated
- Formatting
- Inferred Type Hover
- Implicit Highlighting
- Javadoc on hover
- Mark Occurrences
- Quick Fixes updated
- Refactoring updated
- Semantic Highlighting
- Show Type of Selection
- Show Inferred Semicolons
- Source generators
- Structured Selection
- Syntax Highlighting
- Indent Guide new
- Navigating
- Wizards new
- Scala JUnit Test Finder
- Scala Scopes Building new (since 4.1)
- Scala Debugger
- Asynchronous Debugger new
- Scala Interpreter
- Logging