Specs2 is a library for writing executable software specifications. With specs2 you can write software specifications for one class (unit specifications) or a full system (acceptance specifications).


"org.scalatra" %% "scalatra-specs2" % "2.3.0" % "test"


Specs2 supports two basic styles: unit and acceptance. Both are supported by Scalatra.

Unit testing

From the Specs2 QuickStart:

unit specifications where the specification text is interleaved with the specification code. It is generally used to specify a single class.

import org.scalatra.test.specs2._

class HelloWorldMutableServletSpec extends MutableScalatraSpec {
  addServlet(classOf[HelloWorldServlet], "/*")

  "GET / on HelloWorldServlet" should {
    "return status 200" in {
      get("/") {
        status must_== 200
Acceptance testing

From the Specs2 QuickStart:

acceptance specifications where all the specification text stands as one and the implementation code is elsewhere. It is generally used for acceptance or integration scenarios

import org.scalatra.test.specs2._

class HelloWorldServletSpec extends ScalatraSpec { def is = s2"""
  GET / on HelloWorldServlet
    returns status 200           $getRoot200

  addServlet(classOf[HelloWorldServlet], "/*")

  def getRoot200 = get("/") {
    status must_== 200

The addServlet method is used here with classOf[HelloWorldServlet] to mount the HelloWorld servlet into the Specs2 test.

If you've got a servlet which takes constructor params, you'll need to mount the servlet in your test with a different addServlet method overload, e.g.:

  implicit val myImplicitHere = new ImplicitConstructorParam
  addServlet(new HelloWorldServlet, "/*")

Testing file uploads

Convenience methods exist for testing file uploads.

class FileUploadSpec extends MutableScalatraSpec {
  addServlet(classOf[FileUploadServlet], "/*")

  "POST /files" should {
    "return status 200" in {
      // You can also pass headers after the files Map
      post("/files", Map("private" -> "true"), Map("kitten" -> new File("kitten.png"))) {
        status must_== 200

  "PUT /files/:id" should {
    "return status 200" in {
      put("/files/10", Map("private" -> "false"), Map("kitten" -> new File("kitten.png"))) {
        status must_== 200
This guide is still being written.


If you'd like to help out with our documentation effort, please let us know on the mailing list, or come say hello in IRC.