
bvode — boundary value problems for ODE

Calling Sequence




The solution of the ode evaluated on the mesh given by points


an array which gives the points for which we want the solution


number of differential equations (ncomp <= 20)


a vector of size ncomp. m(j) gives the order of the j-th differential equation


left end of interval


right end of interval


zeta(j) gives j-th side condition point (boundary point). must have

zeta(j) <= zeta(j+1)

all side condition points must be mesh points in all meshes used, see description of ipar(11) and fixpnt below.


an integer array dimensioned at least 11. a list of the parameters in ipar and their meaning follows some parameters are renamed in bvode; these new names are given in parentheses.


0 if the problem is linear, 1 if the problem is nonlinear


= number of collocation points per subinterval (= k ) where

max m(i) <= k <= 7 .

if ipar(2)=0 then bvode sets

k = max ( max m(i)+1, 5-max m(i) )


= number of subintervals in the initial mesh ( = n ). if ipar(3) = 0 then bvode arbitrarily sets n = 5.


= number of solution and derivative tolerances. ( = ntol ) we require

0 < ntol <= mstar.


= dimension of fspace ( = ndimf ) a real work array. its size provides a constraint on nmax. choose ipar(5) according to the formula:





= dimension of ispace ( = ndimi )an integer work array. its size provides a constraint on nmax, the maximum number of subintervals. choose ipar(6) according to the formula:



nsizei=3 + kdm with kdm=kd+mstar ; kd=k*ncomp ; nrec=number of right end boundary conditions.


output control ( = iprint )

= -1

for full diagnostic printout

= 0

for selected printout

= 1

for no printout


( = iread )

= 0

causes bvode to generate a uniform initial mesh.

= xx

Other values are not implemented yet in Scilab

= 1

if the initial mesh is provided by the user. it is defined in fspace as follows: the mesh

will occupy fspace(1), ..., fspace(n+1). the user needs to supply only the interior mesh points fspace(j) = x(j), j = 2, ..., n.

= 2 if the initial mesh is supplied by the user

as with ipar(8)=1, and in addition no adaptive mesh selection is to be done.


( = iguess )

= 0

if no initial guess for the solution is provided.

= 1

if an initial guess is provided by the user in subroutine guess.

= 2

if an initial mesh and approximate solution coefficients are provided by the user in fspace. (the former and new mesh are the same).

= 3

if a former mesh and approximate solution coefficients are provided by the user in fspace, and the new mesh is to be taken twice as coarse; i.e.,every second point from the former mesh.

= 4

if in addition to a former initial mesh and approximate solution coefficients, a new mesh is provided in fspace as well. (see description of output for further details on iguess = 2, 3, and 4.)

= 0

if the problem is regular

= 1

if the first relax factor is =rstart, and the nonlinear iteration does not rely on past covergence (use for an extra sensitive nonlinear problem only).

= 2

if we are to return immediately upon (a) two successive nonconvergences, or (b) after obtaining error estimate for the first time.


= number of fixed points in the mesh other than aleft and aright. ( = nfxpnt , the dimension of fixpnt) the code requires that all side condition points other than aleft and aright (see description of zeta ) be included as fixed points in fixpnt.


an array of dimension ipar(4). ltol(j) = l specifies that the j-th tolerance in tol controls the error in the l-th component of z(u). also require that:

1 <= ltol(1) < ltol(2) < ... < ltol(ntol) <= mstar


an array of dimension ipar(4). tol(j) is the error tolerance on the ltol(j) -th component of z(u). thus, the code attempts to satisfy for j=1:ntol on each subinterval

if v(x) is the approximate solution vector.


an array of dimension ipar(11). it contains the points, other than aleft and aright, which are to be included in every mesh.


The function fsub,dfsub,gsub,dgsub,guess are Scilab externals i.e. functions (see syntax below) or the name of a Fortran subroutine (character string) with specified calling sequence or a list. An external as a character string refers to the name of a Fortran subroutine. The Fortran coded function interface to bvode are specified in the file fcol.f.


name of subroutine for evaluating

at a point x in (aleft,aright). it should have the heading [f]=fsub(x,z) where f is the vector containing the value of fi(x,z(u)) in the i-th component and

is defined as above under purpose .


name of subroutine for evaluating the Jacobian of f(x,z(u)) at a point x. it should have the heading [df]=dfsub (x , z ) where z(u(x)) is defined as for fsub and the (ncomp) by (mstar) array df should be filled by the partial derivatives of f, viz, for a particular call one calculates


name of subroutine for evaluating the i-th component of g(x,z(u(x))) = g (zeta(i),z(u(zeta(i)))) at a point x = zeta(i) where 1<=i<=mstar.

it should have the heading[g]=gsub(i, z) where z(u) is as for fsub, and i and g=gi are as above. Note that in contrast to f in fsub , here only one value per call is returned in g.


name of subroutine for evaluating the i-th row of the Jacobian of g(x,u(x)). it should have the heading [dg]=dgsub(i, z) where z(u) is as for fsub, i as for gsub and the mstar-vector dg should be filled with the partial derivatives of g, viz, for a particular call one calculates


name of subroutine to evaluate the initial approximation for z(u(x)) and for dmval(u(x))= vector of the mj-th derivatives of u(x). it should have the heading [z,dmval]= guess (x ) note that this subroutine is used only if ipar(9) = 1, and then all mstar components of z and ncomp components of dmval should be specified for any x,

aleft <= x <= aright .


this package solves a multi-point boundary value problem for a mixed order system of ode-s given by


is the exact solution vector

is a (generally) nonlinear function of z(u)=z(u(x)).

is a (generally) nonlinear function used to represent a boundary condition.

the boundary points satisfy

aleft <= zeta(1) <= .. <= zeta(mstar) <= aright.

the orders mi of the differential equations satisfy



deff('f=fsub(x,z)','f=(1 -6*x**2*z(4)-6*x*z(3))/x**3')
deff('[z,mpar]=guess(x)','z=0;mpar=0')// unused here

 //define trusol for testing purposes
                    'u(1) =  0.25*(10*log(2)-3)*(1-x) + 0.5 *( 1/x   + (3+x)*log(x) - x)'
                    'u(2) = -0.25*(10*log(2)-3)       + 0.5 *(-1/x^2 + (3+x)/x      + log(x) - 1)'
                    'u(3) = 0.5*( 2/x^3 + 1/x   - 3/x^2)'
                    'u(4) = 0.5*(-6/x^4 - 1/x/x + 6/x^3)'])



z1=[];for x=res,z1=[z1,trusol(x)]; end;  

See Also

fort, link, external, ode, dassl


u. ascher, department of computer science, university of british; columbia, vancouver, b. c., canada v6t 1w5; g. bader, institut f. angewandte mathematik university of heidelberg; im neuenheimer feld 294d-6900 heidelberg 1 ; ; Fortran subroutine colnew.f