
tlist — Scilab object and typed list definition.

Calling Sequence

tlist(typ,a1, )



Character string or vector of character strings


Any Scilab object (matrix, list,string...).


Creates a typed-list with elements ai's. The typ argument specifies the list type. Such typed-list allow the user to define new operations working on these object through scilab functions. The only difference between typed-list and list is the value of the type (16 instead of 15).

typ(1) specifies the list type (character string used to define soft coded operations)

if specified typ(i) may give the i+1th element formal name

Standard Operations on list work similarly for typed-list:

extraction : [x,y,z...]=l(v) where v is a vector of indices; [x,y,z]=l(:) extracts all the elements.

insertion : l(i)=a

deletion : l(i)=null() removes the i-th element of the tlist l.


Moreover if typ(2:n+1) are specified, user may point elements by their names

We give below examples where tlist are used.

Linear systems are represented by specific typed-list e.g. a linear system [A,B,C,D] is represented by the tlist Sys=tlist(['lss';'A';'B';'C';'D';'X0';'dt'],A,B,C,D,x0,'c') and this specific list may be created by the function syslin.

Sys(2), Sys('A') or Sys.A is the state-matrix and Sys('dt') or Sys.dt is the time domain

A rational matrix H is represented by the typed-list H=tlist(['r';'num';'den';'dt'],Num,Den,[]) where Num and Den are two polynomial matrices and a (e.g. continuous time) linear system with transfer matrix H maybe created by syslin('c',H).

H(2), H('num') or H.num is the transfer matrix numerator

See Also

null , percent , syslin , list